
Volt Cyprus Elects Journalist Makarios Drousiotis for MEP Candidacy

politics journalism

Volt Cyprus has selected investigative journalist Makarios Drousiotis for their MEP candidacy, known for his work challenging corruption in Cyprus. Drousiotis joins a diverse slate of candidates from different backgrounds, all united in their goal to bring transparency and change to Cypriot politics.

Who has Volt Cyprus elected for MEP candidacy?

Volt Cyprus has elected Makarios Drousiotis, a well-known investigative journalist, as one of their candidates for the upcoming European Parliament elections. Drousiotis is recognized for his influential books that challenge corruption in Cyprus, advocating for transparency and change within Cypriot politics.

A New Force in Cypriot Politics

Volt Cyprus, the burgeoning political movement, has officially announced its slate of candidates for the approaching European Parliament elections. Among the six distinguished hopefuls is the renowned investigative journalist Makarios Drousiotis. Drousiotis is best known for his provocative trilogy of books that sparked heated debates nationwide, painting Cyprus as a hotbed of corruption, akin to a mafia state.

Diverse Backgrounds United For Change

In addition to Drousiotis, Volt Cyprus has put forward a diverse set of candidates. Andromachi Sophocleous, the party’s co-deputy chairperson, joins the race with a background as a political analyst and activist. She has been vocally advocating for a solution to the long-standing Cyprus issue and is a member of the group Unite Cyprus Now.

Another notable candidate is the party’s secretary-general, Hulusi Kilim, whose area of expertise lies in international trade. The roster is completed by Lysia Demetriou, a clinical researcher; Nicolas Kyriakou, a lawyer with experience in the European Union; and Sophia Vassiliou, a research specialist. Since its inception in October, Volt Cyprus has seen a surge in its membership, attracting professionals like MP Alexandra Attalides, who recently departed from the Green Party over differing views on the Cyprus problem and the party’s alignment with European green parties.

The Impact of Drousiotis’ Work

Makarios Drousiotis has not only influenced public discourse through his investigative journalism but has also found himself at the center of a corruption investigation involving former President Nikos Anastasiades. His books lay out a series of grave accusations, including bribery and orchestrated obstructions to resolving the Cyprus issue.

Drousiotis alleges that his publications triggered state surveillance on him beginning in 2018, using tactics ranging from eavesdropping to deploying spyware. The ongoing investigation is being spearheaded by Australian legal expert Gabrielle McIntyre, supported by Charilaos Chrysanthou, Orestis Nikitas, and Andreas Efthymiou. In reaction to the allegations, Anastasiades has called for the retraction of Drousiotis’ books, alongside a public apology and compensation for damages.

Volt Cyprus: Pledging a Future of Transparency and Unity

Volt Cyprus enters the political arena with a pledge to bring forth transparency, unity, and a fresh perspective on the Cypriot and European political landscape. The party’s candidates reflect this ideal, each bringing unique experiences and expertise to the table, united by the common goal of shaping a better future for Cyprus within the European community. As they prepare for the June MEP elections, their campaigns will likely address the pressing issues highlighted by Drousiotis and others on the ticket, aiming to forge a path toward integrity and resolution.

Who has Volt Cyprus elected for MEP candidacy?

Volt Cyprus has elected Makarios Drousiotis, a well-known investigative journalist, as one of their candidates for the upcoming European Parliament elections. Drousiotis is recognized for his influential books that challenge corruption in Cyprus, advocating for transparency and change within Cypriot politics.

What is the background of Makarios Drousiotis?

Makarios Drousiotis is a renowned investigative journalist known for his work challenging corruption in Cyprus. He is the author of a trilogy of books that sparked national debates on corruption in Cyprus, painting the country as a hotbed of corruption akin to a mafia state. Drousiotis has also been involved in a corruption investigation involving former President Nikos Anastasiades.

Who are the other candidates selected by Volt Cyprus for the MEP elections?

In addition to Makarios Drousiotis, Volt Cyprus has put forward a diverse slate of candidates including Andromachi Sophocleous, Hulusi Kilim, Lysia Demetriou, Nicolas Kyriakou, and Sophia Vassiliou. Each candidate brings unique experiences and expertise to the table, united by the common goal of shaping a better future for Cyprus within the European community.

What is Volt Cyprus’s pledge for the future of Cypriot politics?

Volt Cyprus pledges to bring transparency, unity, and a fresh perspective to the Cypriot and European political landscape. The party’s candidates are committed to addressing pressing issues highlighted by Drousiotis and others on the ticket, aiming to forge a path toward integrity and resolution. Their goal is to create a better future for Cyprus within the European community.

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