
Cyprus Employers Anticipate Business Support Measures

business support economic measures

Cyprus employers, led by Oev and Keve, are eagerly anticipating a supportive business package from the government to sustain purchasing power, maintain growth rates, relieve past tax burdens, improve competitiveness, and contribute to economic stability and growth. The urgency for prompt action and the call for a clearly-defined support package highlight the importance of timely and targeted measures to aid businesses in Cyprus.

What support measures are Cyprus employers anticipating for the business sector?

Cyprus employers, led by the Oev and Keve, anticipate a supportive package from the government to aid businesses. They expect measures that will:

  • Sustain the purchasing power of citizens
  • Maintain high growth rates and reinforce social cohesion
  • Provide relief to enterprises still affected by past tax burdens
  • Improve the competitiveness of Cypriot businesses
  • Contribute to the nation’s economic stability and growth

Anticipating Support for the Business Sector

The Employers and Industrialists Federation (Oev) in Cyprus has recently expressed its gratitude for the introduction of new measures aimed at supporting households within the country. However, the federation has not stopped there. The focus has now turned towards the expectation of a similarly supportive package for businesses. The urgency for such measures is palpable, as the Oev has voiced a call for prompt action in the formulation and announcement of a clearly-defined support package aimed at the business community.

This call to action is grounded in the belief that by sustaining the purchasing power of citizens, not only can a high growth rate be maintained, but social cohesion can also be reinforced. Indeed, the ripple effect of measures that are timely, targeted, and temporary—especially those that support population groups hit hardest by challenging economic conditions—can be significant and wide-reaching.

Economic Measures and Business Competitiveness

The Oev has particular praise for the government’s decision to abolish the annual €350 corporate levy, seeing it as a positive step towards lessening the financial load on businesses. In a demonstration of proactive engagement, the federation highlights its ongoing, intensive, and productive collaboration with the president and his economic team. There is a strong belief that a dedicated business support package, once formulated and announced, will provide much-needed relief and aid in the drive towards economic recovery.

Despite these recent developments, the Oev calls attention to the lingering aftereffects of past crises. The statement issued by the federation drew attention to tax burdens that have persisted since the 2011-2013 crisis, which continue to negatively impact the competitiveness of Cypriot enterprises. The message is clear: while other burdens from that period have been lifted, allowing a return to pre-crisis conditions, these particular tax impositions remain a hurdle for businesses striving to compete effectively.

A United Front for Business Support

The Cyprus Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Keve) also joins the chorus of voices welcoming the government’s household support measures. The unity between Keve and the Oev underscores the importance of concerted efforts and consistent strategies to bolster the economy as a whole. Moreover, both organizations anticipate a response to a series of proposals aimed at improving the competitiveness of Cypriot businesses. These proposals, submitted to the president in recent days, are yet another indication of the proactive role these federations are playing in advocating for a better business environment.

On the Horizon

Looking forward, the anticipation and hope expressed by Cypriot employers and industrialists are not without a strong foundation. With a history of resilience and adaptability, the business community in Cyprus stands ready to embrace the support measures that the government will offer. The expectation is that with the right mix of assistance, Cyprus’s businesses can continue to flourish, contributing to the overall stability and growth of the nation’s economy.

What support measures are Cyprus employers anticipating for the business sector?

Cyprus employers, led by the Oev and Keve, anticipate a supportive package from the government to aid businesses. They expect measures that will:

  • Sustain the purchasing power of citizens
  • Maintain high growth rates and reinforce social cohesion
  • Provide relief to enterprises still affected by past tax burdens
  • Improve the competitiveness of Cypriot businesses
  • Contribute to the nation’s economic stability and growth

How have recent economic measures impacted business competitiveness in Cyprus?

The recent abolition of the annual €350 corporate levy by the government has been seen as a positive step towards reducing the financial burden on businesses. The Oev has praised this decision, believing it will help improve the competitiveness of Cypriot enterprises. Furthermore, ongoing collaboration between the federation and the president’s economic team is expected to result in a dedicated business support package aimed at aiding economic recovery.

What role have the Employers and Industrialists Federation (Oev) and the Cyprus Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Keve) played in advocating for support measures?

Both the Oev and Keve have been vocal in welcoming the government’s household support measures and have called for similar support for businesses. The unity between these organizations highlights the importance of working together to strengthen the economy. Proposals aimed at improving the competitiveness of Cypriot businesses have been submitted to the president, showcasing the proactive role these federations are playing in advocating for a better business environment.

What is the outlook for Cyprus’s business community in terms of economic support?

With a history of resilience and adaptability, Cyprus’s business community is hopeful for the support measures that the government will offer. The expectation is that with the right mix of assistance, businesses in Cyprus can continue to thrive, contributing to the overall stability and growth of the nation’s economy.

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