
Health & Beauty

hepatitis prevention

Increasing Hepatitis Infections in Young People

The rise in Hepatitis B and C infections among young people in Cyprus calls for urgent action through prevention education, early diagnosis, and treatment access to combat this public health challenge. Collaborative efforts with international organizations like WHO and ECDC, along with national strategies and vaccination programs, are key in the fight against Hepatitis to achieve the ambitious goal of disease elimination by 2030.

health heatstroke

Battling the Heat: Understanding Heatstroke

Amid soaring temperatures at Nicosia General Hospital, a 34yearold man recently succumbed to a severe case of heatstroke, highlighting the grave impact of extreme weather conditions. Safety measures like staying cool, hydrated, and recognizing early signs of heat exhaustion are crucial to avoiding such dangerous situations.

heat waves heatstroke

Tragic Impact of Extreme Heat

Extreme heat can have tragic consequences, as seen with the recent death of a 64yearold woman from heatstroke at Nicosia general hospital. With temperatures soaring above 42C (107.6F), it’s crucial to stay hydrated, wear light clothing, and seek cool shelters to avoid heatrelated illnesses.

heatstroke monitoring

Recovery of Heatstroke-Affected Conscripts Shows Promise

The recovery of heatstrokeaffected conscripts is progressing well, with positive signs of improvement reported for both young servicemen. The 17yearold airlifted to Paris is emerging from a coma, while the 18yearold, also battling COVID19, has been removed from ventilation and is now coherent. Proactive measures and assessments are underway to ensure conscript safety moving forward.

child safety medical emergency

Critical Incident at Paphos Resort Puts Child in Peril

A fouryearold child had a close call at a resort in Paphos when they slipped into the pool, but was quickly rescued by their parents. After receiving immediate first aid and being transferred to a specialized hospital, the child’s condition has stabilized and is showing signs of improvement. Local authorities are investigating the incident to prevent similar accidents in the future.

police emergency

Swift Action by Police Saves Diabetic Patient

In a swift and heroic act, a police officer’s intervention saved the life of a diabetic patient in Limassol. By providing an urgent escort through heavy traffic to the general hospital, the officer’s quick thinking and action ensured that the patient received prompt medical care, ultimately leading to a successful recovery.

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