
Govt Unveils New ‘Accountability Website’

transparency accountability

The new government accountability website,, has been unveiled to provide citizens with detailed information on decisions, policies, and achievements of the administration, promoting transparency and civic engagement. Irene Piki, the undersecretary to the president, announced this significant step towards open governance, bridging the gap between the government and its people.

What is the purpose of the new government accountability website?

The new government accountability website,, serves as a centralized platform where citizens can access detailed information on the government’s decisions, policies, strategies, and achievements. Designed to enhance transparency and open governance, it connects residents with the inner workings of the administration and encourages civic engagement.

A New Era of Transparency

In a move applauded by advocates of transparency, the government recently launched a brand new “accountability website”. The site, accessible through, was announced by Irene Piki, the undersecretary to the president, marking a significant step towards open governance. The platform is designed to serve as a centralized source where citizens can access detailed information on the decisions and policies of the current administration.

The site is poised to be a treasure trove of data, encapsulating the government’s strategies and achievements, specifically between the years 2023 and 2028. Piki emphasized the user-friendly approach of the website, ensuring that every resident can get immediate, comprehensive insights into the workings of the government machinery.

Bridging Government and Citizens

The website is more than just an information repository—it’s a bridge connecting the government to its people, reaffirming the commitment to accountability. Not only does it detail the government’s policy decisions and measures, but it also serves as an announcement board where outcomes of cabinet meetings and details regarding grant schemes are regularly updated.

A significant addition to the website is a digital presentation showcasing the Christodoulides government’s endeavors since assuming office the previous year. These actions reflect the administration’s priorities and the strides they’ve taken to address the needs of the populace.

Future Enhancements and Accessibility

Although currently available solely in Greek, plans to enhance the website’s interactivity are underway. Piki mentioned that the site presently links to the “Citizen Voice” platform, hinting at a future where community engagement is not just encouraged but ingrained in the governance process. Moreover, an upcoming platform named “Ekfracy” is set to complement these efforts by further amplifying citizen voices.

The government’s forward-thinking approach in launching this website has set a new benchmark for transparency. By embracing digital tools, the administration is not just sharing information but also inviting scrutiny, thereby fostering a culture of trust and openness. As the website evolves, it’s expected to become a critical instrument for civic engagement and a testament to the government’s dedication to its constituents.

What is the purpose of the new government accountability website?

The new government accountability website,, serves as a centralized platform where citizens can access detailed information on the government’s decisions, policies, strategies, and achievements. Designed to enhance transparency and open governance, it connects residents with the inner workings of the administration and encourages civic engagement.

Who announced the unveiling of the government accountability website?

Irene Piki, the undersecretary to the president, announced the significant step towards open governance by unveiling the new government accountability website.

In what languages is the government accountability website currently available?

As of now, the website is available solely in Greek. However, there are plans to enhance its interactivity and accessibility in the future.

How does the government accountability website aim to bridge the government and its citizens?

The website not only serves as a repository of government information but also acts as a bridge connecting the administration to the people. It provides detailed insights into policy decisions, measures, outcomes of cabinet meetings, grant schemes, and showcases the government’s endeavors to address the needs of the populace.

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