

transparency accountability

Strengthening Transparency: New Asset Declaration Law for Politicians

The new asset declaration law for politicians introduces stringent measures to enhance transparency and accountability. With mandatory verification by qualified accountants, inclusion of spouses and underage children’s assets, and independent review by auditors and the Tax Commissioner, the law promises to usher in a new era of governance, restoring public trust in the system.

tragedy accountability

The Tragedy of the Mari Explosion: A Decade of Sorrow

The Mari explosion in Cyprus in July 2011 tragically claimed 13 lives, leaving 62 individuals injured and countless dreams shattered. It exposed negligence in munitions storage and sparked a call for greater accountability and safety measures to prevent future tragedies, leaving a community grieving a decade later.

tragedy accountability

Reflecting on a Day of Remembrance: The Mari Explosion

The Mari explosion in Cyprus on June 11, 2011, resulted in 13 deaths and significant damage due to improperly stored munitions at the Evangelos Florakis naval base. President Nikos Christodoulides’ solemn apology on the anniversary highlighted the need for improved safety measures to prevent such tragedies in the future, with legal actions holding officials, including Defence Minister Costas Papacostas, accountable for the oversight.

judicial timeliness legal proceedings

The Delays in Justice: A Look into Auditor-General’s Trials

The AuditorGeneral’s trial faced delays, with proceedings now rescheduled to July 16 due to unforeseen circumstances, following a previous postponement caused by a judge’s medical issues. These interruptions serve as a reminder of the delicate balance between thoroughness and efficiency in the justice system, sparking concerns about judicial timelines and the impact on public trust.

history tragedy

Remembrance of the Mari Tragedy: Thirteen Years Later

The Mari explosion in Cyprus 13 years ago was a devastating catastrophe caused by negligent storage of munitions, claiming 13 lives and causing widespread power outages. The event led to political upheaval, a national reevaluation of safety policies, and stressed the need for accountability to prevent future disasters.

employment law illegal work

Strengthening the Fight Against Illegal Employment

The Council of Ministers has approved new legislative proposals to combat illegal employment, including a digital monitoring system, stricter penalties, and holding main contractors accountable for subcontractors’ activities. These measures aim to streamline work permit processes for foreign nationals and improve employer access to information on employees’ residency statuses, marking a crucial step in strengthening the fight against illegal work practices.

scandal financial misconduct

Unraveling the Osiou Avakoum Monastery Scandal

The Osiou Avakoum Monastery scandal rocks the serene walls with allegations of €450,000 embezzlement by Tamassos Bishop Isaias. Investigations reveal monks’ salaries diverted for an archbishop election campaign, sparking legal entanglements and a crisis of faith in the Eastern Orthodox community.

government accountability

Auditor General’s Struggle for Access to Information

Auditor General Odysseas Michaelides faces legal obstacles in accessing vital data for audits, notably concerning the ‘golden passports’ scheme, sparking conflicts with Attorney General George Savvides. This clash highlights issues of transparency, accountability, and the effectiveness of government oversight, drawing international attention to the integrity of Cypriot governance.

transparency accountability

Govt Unveils New ‘Accountability Website’

The new government accountability website,, has been unveiled to provide citizens with detailed information on decisions, policies, and achievements of the administration, promoting transparency and civic engagement. Irene Piki, the undersecretary to the president, announced this significant step towards open governance, bridging the gap between the government and its people.

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