
Future of Lemba Art College in Doubt

art cultural heritage

The Lemba Art College, founded by Cypriot artist Stass Paraskos, faces an uncertain future due to recent government actions. Advocates fear that the college’s vibrant artistic heritage and independence may be at risk, challenging its legacy as a cultural landmark.

What is the current situation facing Lemba Art College?

The future of Lemba Art College, founded by Cypriot artist Stass Paraskos, is uncertain. Despite its historical cultural impact and contributions to the art community, recent government actions have ignored past commitments, challenging the college’s legacy and independence. Advocates fear these changes may erode its vibrant artistic heritage.

The Plight of a Cultural Landmark

The legacy of the renowned Cypriot artist Stass Paraskos is under significant threat. His brainchild, the Lemba art college, once a beacon of cultural significance, now faces an uncertain future. The deputy ministry of culture’s recent actions have sparked widespread concern amongst advocates for the college and the artistic legacy of Paraskos.

Founded in 1976, the Cyprus College of Art provided a haven for creativity within the once-abandoned village of Lemba. Stass Paraskos aimed to create a space that fostered artistic growth and collaboration. The college rapidly became a hub for both aspiring and established artists, inviting international talent and facilitating enriching educational programs.

A Legacy Challenged

Stass Paraskos’s son, Michael Paraskos, a well-respected teaching fellow at Imperial College London, has publicly criticized the department of culture. He holds that past governmental agreements assured the college’s role as an integral part of the Lemba Cultural Village project. This promise was rooted in the existence of a famous sculpture wall crafted by his father, meant to secure the institution’s future.

Despite these assurances, the recent developments suggest a stark deviation from the original plans. The previous governments’ commitments are seemingly unacknowledged, raising fears of a deliberate attempt to diminish Stass Paraskos’s contribution to the Cypriot art scene.

Discontent and Disarray

Margaret Paraskos, who has been at the helm of the college since her father’s passing in 2014, has voiced her heartbreak over the lack of respect for her father’s contribution. Under her stewardship, the college has organized residencies and collaborations that underscore its importance as a cultural institution. It’s the only college on the island routinely hosting artists from illustrious establishments such as the Royal College of Art and the Paris School of Architecture. The list of artists who have passed through its doors includes notable figures like Dame Rachel Whiteread and Euan Uglow.

The proposed sharing of facilities with state-run programs on a six-month rotational basis has been deemed impractical by Margaret. She worries that the significant changes made to the original design plans threaten independent access to and utilization of the new buildings.

Voices of the Community

Amidst the upheaval, local artists who received their education at the Lemba art school lament the transformation of a place that was once special. They compare the construction of the new structures to a sterile university campus, devoid of the character that the old art school had.

Community leader Thucydides Chrysostomou has sought to reassure that the new buildings will honor the legacy of Stass Paraskos. The vision is for these structures to serve as a continuation of the old art school, enriching the community with educational opportunities in various art forms.

The art wall by Stass Paraskos, now designated a protected structure, stands as a symbol of the village’s cultural heritage. Despite this, there is a palpable sense of unease among those who cherish the college’s legacy, as they witness the slow erosion of a once vibrant artistic community. The future of the Lemba Art College hangs in the balance, as stakeholders and artists alike await further developments.

What is the current situation facing Lemba Art College?

The Lemba Art College, founded by Cypriot artist Stass Paraskos, is facing an uncertain future due to recent government actions that challenge its legacy and independence. Advocates fear that the college’s vibrant artistic heritage may be at risk.

What is the significance of Lemba Art College in the art community?

Founded in 1976 by Stass Paraskos, the Lemba Art College has been a hub for aspiring and established artists, offering educational programs and fostering artistic growth and collaboration. It has hosted artists from prestigious institutions and has been a vital cultural institution in Cyprus.

How are the recent government actions affecting the college’s operations?

Recent government actions have sparked concerns among advocates for the college, with proposed changes including sharing facilities with state-run programs on a rotational basis. These changes threaten independent access to and utilization of the college’s new buildings, potentially altering the college’s dynamic and cultural impact.

What are the reactions from the community and stakeholders regarding the uncertain future of Lemba Art College?

Local artists who received their education at the college are lamenting the transformation of the once-special place, comparing new structures to a sterile university campus. Meanwhile, community leaders are striving to reassure stakeholders that the new buildings will honor Stass Paraskos’s legacy and continue to enrich the community with educational opportunities in various art forms.

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