
Enhanced Policing to Curb Traffic Violations

traffic violations road safety

In a concentrated effort to improve road safety, the Cyprus Police have increased patrols and enforcement measures to target various traffic violations. Over a 24-hour period, they issued 63 speeding complaints, penalized 51 individuals for impaired driving, cited 5 for driving without a license, cited 15 for seat belt violations, reported 8 for mobile phone use while driving, cited 94 for documentation offenses, and noted 116 miscellaneous traffic code violations. These actions aim to reduce serious and fatal road collisions and promote proper road behavior among drivers.

What measures have the Cyprus Police taken to curb traffic violations?

The Cyprus Police have intensified patrols and enforcement measures to improve road safety by targeting a range of traffic violations, including:

  • Issuing 63 speeding complaints
  • Penalizing 51 individuals for impaired driving
  • Citing 5 for driving without a license and 15 for seat belt violations
  • Reporting 8 for mobile phone use while driving
  • Citing 94 for documentation offenses
  • Noting 116 miscellaneous traffic code violations

These efforts aim to reduce serious and fatal road collisions and instill proper road behavior among drivers.

In a concerted effort to improve road safety, the Police of Cyprus have ramped up their patrolling initiatives, targeting a range of traffic violations. This increased vigilance comes in response to a relentless stream of complaints and observed transgressions across the island’s road network.

Sweeping Violation Detection

Within a span of just 24 hours, police forces have been active in identifying breaches of road safety laws. With a keen eye on ensuring the well-being of commuters, officers were able to detect and act upon a significant number of infractions.

Speeding and Impaired Driving

One of the focal points of these operations is the detection of speeding—an infraction that remains a leading contributor to road accidents. A total of 63 speeding complaints were issued, underscoring the urgency with which authorities are treating this issue.

Moreover, the menace of impaired driving has been met with a stern response. Forty-eight individuals faced repercussions for driving under the influence of alcohol, while three were found to be driving under the influence of narcotics—each receiving the appropriate legal complaints as per Cyprus’s stringent traffic laws.

License and Seat Belt Violations

A further insight into the scale of the issue is the discovery of five motorists operating vehicles without a valid driver’s license, a clear violation of the mandatory licensing requirements. Additionally, non-compliance with seat belt regulations resulted in 15 reports, echoing the emphasis on basic safety measures.

Electronic Device Usage and Documentation Offenses

The police’s vigilance also extended to the use of mobile phones while driving, with eight individuals reported for this risky behavior.

In addition, an alarming number of drivers—94 in total—were cited for documentation-related offenses. This category includes the absence of a valid certificate of roadworthiness (MOT), operation of deregistered vehicles, and lack of proper insurance coverage.

Miscellaneous Traffic Code Violations

Beyond these specific categories, a further 116 violations were noted for a variety of other offenses. These ranged from illegal parking and running traffic lights, to making unlawful right turns and carrying dangerous cargo. These non-compliant actions were all duly reported, showcasing the comprehensive nature of the police crackdown.

Written Warnings as a Deterrent

In a bid to educate and prevent future infractions, police officers also opted to issue written warnings. Twenty-three motorists received these cautions, aimed at reinforcing adherence to traffic regulations.

Ongoing Road Safety Campaign

The Cyprus Police’s dedication to ensuring road safety is not limited to isolated incidents or short-term campaigns. Their commitment to reducing the instances of serious and fatal road collisions is an enduring endeavor, with regular patrols and enforcement actions across the nation’s roads.

The authorities continue to focus on instilling proper road behavior among drivers and maintaining a high level of safety for all road users. These efforts represent a cornerstone of the broader objective to secure and safeguard public spaces, with the road network being a critical area of focus.


In summary, the Cyprus Police’s intensified enforcement measures over a 24-hour period have resulted in the detection of over 350 traffic violations. From speeding to impaired driving, lacking proper documentation to seat belt non-compliance, the scope of infractions has been vast. The police’s continuous efforts to prevent fatal and serious road collisions through such vigilant monitoring are an integral part of their mission to foster a culture of road safety throughout Cyprus.

The Cyprus Police increased their patrols and enforcement measures to target different traffic violations. In just 24 hours, they issued 63 complaints for speeding, penalized 51 individuals for impaired driving, cited 5 for driving without a license, cited 15 for not wearing seat belts, reported 8 for using mobile phones while driving, cited 94 for documentation offenses, and noted 116 miscellaneous traffic violations. Their goal is to reduce serious and deadly accidents and promote proper behavior on the road.

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