
Prioritizing Criminal Elements in Syrian Migrant Removals

migration diplomacy

The Cyprus government’s main focus in Syrian migrant removals is targeting criminal elements to ensure public safety. Efforts include diplomatic strategies with Syria, managing new arrivals, and advocating for parts of Syria to be deemed safe by the EU to balance security and refugee rights.

What is the focus of the Syrian migrant removals in Cyprus?

The Cyprus government prioritizes the removal of criminal elements among Syrian migrants to maintain public safety. Individuals posing a threat or violating laws are targeted, balancing security and refugee rights. This effort includes diplomatic strategies with Syria, managing new arrivals, and pushing for parts of Syria to be designated safe by the EU.

Government’s Stance on Removals

In a recent update, the permanent secretary of the interior ministry, Loizos Hadjivasiliou, emphasized that criminal elements among Syrian migrants would be the primary focus for removals. This move is an integral part of the government’s agenda to maintain public safety and order. Authorities have pointed out that individuals who pose a threat or have violated laws will be dealt with accordingly.

In light of this, the government has been facing pressure for its stance, with critiques coming from human rights groups and political opposition. The debate is centered around the balance between security concerns and the rights of those seeking refuge. These discussions are ongoing, and the outcome remains to be seen.

Diplomatic Strategies and Challenges

Evangelos Moussa, an expert in Arab affairs, suggests that establishing diplomatic channels with the Syrian regime could be a strategic move for Cyprus. This would facilitate the return of migrants, particularly those with criminal backgrounds. The idea is to prevent individuals from exploiting asylum systems and ensure that those in genuine need are protected.

However, initiating dialogue with Syria is complex, given the geopolitical tensions and the European Union’s stance on the Assad regime. While some countries, like France, are strictly against normalizing relations, others believe that controlled and careful engagement could be beneficial for strategic information sharing and migrant management.

Recent Migrant Arrivals and Response

Recent weeks have seen an influx of Syrian migrants arriving from Lebanon, with more than 1,000 individuals reaching Cyprus since the beginning of April. The government has responded by identifying those whose protection status may be revoked due to violations, such as unauthorized travel back to Syria. At least 30 people have been flagged for immediate action.

For new arrivals, the state offers basic assistance but has suspended application processing for asylum. This measure is part of a broader plan to make Cyprus less attractive to illegal migration and prevent the exploitation of the system. Authorities are also stepping up efforts to monitor illegal work and movements among the Syrian migrant community.

Efforts for EU Redesignation

Cyprus is actively working towards an EU agreement to designate parts of Syria as safe, which could expedite the process of returning migrants. The Interior Minister has been pushing for this initiative, hoping for a resolution within a year. Support from other EU member states is crucial for this endeavor to succeed.

Geopolitical analyst Moussa warns of the potential for increased migration from Lebanon due to the country’s political and economic instability. He stresses the importance of the EU recognizing the urgency of the situation and the need for practical measures to manage migration effectively.

What is the focus of the Syrian migrant removals in Cyprus?

The Cyprus government prioritizes the removal of criminal elements among Syrian migrants to maintain public safety. Individuals posing a threat or violating laws are targeted, balancing security and refugee rights. This effort includes diplomatic strategies with Syria, managing new arrivals, and pushing for parts of Syria to be designated safe by the EU.

What is the government’s stance on removals?

The Cyprus government, as reiterated by the permanent secretary of the interior ministry, emphasizes that criminal elements among Syrian migrants will be the primary focus for removals. This is part of the government’s agenda to uphold public safety and order. Those individuals who pose a threat or have broken laws will be handled accordingly. However, this stance has faced criticism from human rights groups and the political opposition, sparking debates on the balance between security concerns and refugee rights.

What diplomatic strategies are being employed in relation to Syrian migrant removals?

Experts suggest that establishing diplomatic channels with the Syrian regime could aid Cyprus in the return of migrants, especially those with criminal backgrounds. However, engaging with Syria is challenging due to geopolitical tensions and the EU’s stance on the Assad regime. While some countries oppose normalizing relations with Syria, others believe controlled engagement could be beneficial for migrant management and strategic information sharing.

How is Cyprus responding to recent migrant arrivals?

Cyprus has seen an increase in Syrian migrant arrivals from Lebanon, prompting action from authorities. The government is identifying individuals whose protection status may be revoked due to violations, such as unauthorized travel back to Syria. New arrivals receive basic assistance, but asylum application processing has been suspended to deter illegal migration. Efforts are also being made to monitor illegal work and movements within the Syrian migrant community.

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