
Turkey Trying to Justify Aggression Toward Cyprus

cyprus turkey

Turkey’s controversial ‘two-state solution’ stance in the Cyprus issue clashes with the UN-supported proposal for a bicommunal, bizonal federation, sparking tension in diplomatic circles. Cyprus Ambassador Michael condemned Turkey’s historical revisionism at the UN Security Council, pressing for a peaceful resolution to the longstanding conflict dating back to 1974.

Why is Turkey’s stance on the Cyprus issue controversial?

Turkey’s stance on the Cyprus issue is controversial due to its advocacy for a ‘two-state solution’, which deviates from the UN-backed proposal for a bicommunal, bizonal federation with political equality. This position contradicts the international community’s recognition of the Republic of Cyprus’s sovereignty and undermines efforts towards a peaceful resolution.

Ambassadors Square Off at the UN

In a display of diplomatic assertiveness, Permanent Representative of Cyprus to the UN, Ambassador Maria Michael, has recently addressed the Security Council to express concerns over Turkey’s stance on the long-standing Cyprus issue. In a letter responding to claims made by Turkey’s permanent representative, Ambassador Michael accused her counterpart of engaging in “historical revisionism and misrepresentation of basic facts.” She criticized Turkey for advocating an ‘à la carte’ approach to UN Security Council resolutions, disregarding them when they clash with its own interests.

Ambassador Michael highlighted the paradox in Turkey’s actions, noting its continued rejection of the UN-endorsed framework for resolving the Cyprus dispute. This rejection comes at a time when the international community seeks to rekindle peace talks, bolstered by the appointment of the Secretary-General’s Personal Envoy, Maria Holguin. The envoy’s role is critical as she facilitates efforts toward finding a lasting solution.

A Division That Lingers

Cyprus has been a divided island since 1974, when Turkey invaded the northern part following a coup that aimed to annex the island to Greece. This resulted in the declaration of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, recognized only by Turkey, while the rest of the world acknowledges the sovereignty of the Republic of Cyprus. The division remains a major point of contention, with the Republic of Cyprus calling for a bicommunal, bizonal federation with political equality, as set out in relevant Security Council resolutions.

Turkey, on the other hand, has increasingly pushed for a ‘two-state solution,’ which the Cypriot government and the international community have not accepted. Ambassador Michael’s plea to the UN Security Council underscored an urgent need for Turkey to commit “in the same spirit to revitalise the peace process,” emphasizing the benefits such stability could bring not just to Cyprus but to the wider region, where tensions frequently run high.

The Path Ahead

The ambassador reiterated Cyprus’ commitment to a constructive dialogue under the Secretary-General’s guidance, aiming to resume negotiations that have been stalled for several years. Such negotiations are essential not just for the island’s future but also for the strategic stability of the Eastern Mediterranean.

As tensions persist, the international community watches closely to see if the ongoing diplomatic efforts will pave the way for a renewed push towards peace. The ambassador’s call for Turkey to engage constructively in these efforts is a reminder of the delicate balance that must be struck to achieve a solution that serves the interests of all Cypriots, and potentially acts as a beacon of resolution for similar conflicts around the globe.

Why is Turkey’s stance on the Cyprus issue controversial?

Turkey’s stance on the Cyprus issue is controversial due to its advocacy for a ‘two-state solution’, which deviates from the UN-backed proposal for a bicommunal, bizonal federation with political equality. This position contradicts the international community’s recognition of the Republic of Cyprus’s sovereignty and undermines efforts towards a peaceful resolution.

What recent actions have Cyprus Ambassador Michael taken at the UN?

Cyprus Ambassador Michael recently addressed the UN Security Council to express concerns over Turkey’s stance on the Cyprus issue. She condemned Turkey’s historical revisionism and misrepresentation of facts, highlighting the importance of upholding UN Security Council resolutions for a peaceful resolution to the longstanding conflict.

How has the Cyprus issue remained unresolved since 1974?

The Cyprus issue dates back to 1974 when Turkey invaded the northern part of the island following a coup aiming to annex Cyprus to Greece. This led to the division of the island, with the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus declared and recognized only by Turkey. The Republic of Cyprus, supported by the international community, advocates for a bicommunal, bizonal federation with political equality, while Turkey pushes for a ‘two-state solution’.

What is the current path forward for resolving the Cyprus issue?

Cyprus remains committed to constructive dialogue under the guidance of the UN Secretary-General to resume stalled negotiations. The international community closely watches diplomatic efforts to pave the way for peace in the Eastern Mediterranean. The ambassador’s call for Turkey to engage constructively highlights the importance of finding a solution that benefits all Cypriots and potentially serves as a model for resolving similar conflicts globally.

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