
1 greece-turkey relations

diplomacy international relations

Dispelling the Myth of Foreign Antagonism Towards Greece

The perception of foreign antagonism towards Greece and Cyprus is largely a myth, with diplomatic evidence pointing towards respect for Hellenic civilization. Career diplomat Andreas Pirishis emphasizes the need for a pragmatic approach in international relations, debunking narratives of victimhood.

cyprus turkey

Cyprus’ Archbishop Urges Vigilance Against Turkish Impositions

Archbishop Georgios of Cyprus urges vigilance against Turkish impositions, emphasizing the need for solidarity and proactive defense to safeguard Cyprus’ autonomy and human rights. His heartfelt plea to Greece underscores the importance of unity in the face of ongoing challenges, serving as a call to action to advance the Cypriot cause and resist compromises that may undermine their national struggle.

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A Monumental Achievement: Cyprus Joins the EU

Cyprus joined the EU on May 1, 2004, gaining diplomatic stature, economic integration, and cultural ties. Benefits include a stronger voice in international forums, Eurozone membership in 2008, and facing global challenges with EU strength. The accession bolstered CyprusGreece relations and affirmed Cyprus’s commitment to European unity.

turkey travel bans

Request for Transparency on Travel Bans

The N82 list in Turkey is causing uncertainty for some Turkish Cypriots seeking entry, leading to calls for transparency in the criteria for entry denial. The lack of information not only affects individuals but also strains the relationship between TRNC and Turkey, prompting authorities to seek answers and clarification on the issue.

cyprus turkey

Turkey Trying to Justify Aggression Toward Cyprus

Turkey’s controversial ‘twostate solution’ stance in the Cyprus issue clashes with the UNsupported proposal for a bicommunal, bizonal federation, sparking tension in diplomatic circles. Cyprus Ambassador Michael condemned Turkey’s historical revisionism at the UN Security Council, pressing for a peaceful resolution to the longstanding conflict dating back to 1974.

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Strengthening EU Alliances: Greece Collaborates with Cyprus on Syrian Safety Assessment

Greece and Cyprus are teaming up to form a ‘Syria group’ within the EU, focusing on assessing safe zones in wartorn Syria to address migration challenges. This collaboration represents a significant step in the EU’s migration policy redesign and involves joint factfinding missions and support from other EU member states, despite some controversies and differing opinions within the alliance.

leadership negotiation

Bane of Cyprus Solution: The Perils of Concentrated Power

The Cyprus issue faces a major hurdle due to the entrenched power dynamics and differing views on Turkey’s role in the peace process, hindering consensus among all parties involved. Despite hopeful moments in negotiations led by Mustafa Akinci and Nicos Anastasiades, the failure to reach a conclusive agreement at the CransMontana conference underscored the challenge of concentrated decisionmaking and the complexities of resolving this longstanding conflict.

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Cyprus and Greece: United Stance on the Cyprus Problem

Cyprus and Greece are united in pursuing a diplomatic solution to the Cyprus problem, emphasizing the importance of resuming negotiations under the UN SecretaryGeneral. Their joint commitment aims to promote regional stability and set a precedent for international conflict resolution, reflecting a shared vision for peace and cooperation in the Eastern Mediterranean.

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