
Ministers agree to cooperate on digital transition efforts

digital transition collaboration

The Minister of Finance and Deputy Minister of Research, Innovation, and Digital Policy met to discuss enhancing cooperation for the nation’s digital transition, focusing on eJustice system improvements and bolstering cyber security efforts as top priorities within the Recovery and Resilience Plan. This collaboration aims to pave the way for a modern digital state, propelling the government’s digital ambitions forward with strategic planning and inter-ministerial collaboration.

What is the main focus of the meeting between the Minister of Finance and the Deputy Minister of Research, Innovation, and Digital Policy?

The meeting focused on enhancing cooperation to drive digital transition as a key government policy. Both ministers discussed strategies for effective collaboration, emphasizing the transformation into a modern digital state, improving the eJustice system, and bolstering cyber security efforts as top priorities within the nation’s Recovery and Resilience Plan.

Paving the Way for Digital Innovation

This week heralded a new milestone for digital progress, with the Minister of Finance, Makis Keravnos, and the Deputy Minister of Research, Innovation, and Digital Policy, Nikodemos Damianou, joining forces. Their meeting at the Ministry of Finance wasn’t just a formality but a brainstorming session on forging effective collaboration methods aimed at propelling the digital transition to the forefront of governmental policy.

Makis Keravnos, after the Wednesday meeting, affirmed the digital transition’s status as a “basic political direction” for the government. This initiative isn’t just an isolated goal; it’s intricately woven into the nation’s Recovery and Resilience Plan. The need for synergy between the two ministries was a primary focus of their discussion, as they mapped out strategies for productive cooperation on these pivotal issues, which the government prioritizes.

Building a Modern Digital State

On the agenda was the transformation into a modern, competitive digital state — a vision shared by both ministers. Deputy Minister Damianou emphasized the complexity of this “multidimensional and complex goal.” He stressed the need for collective efforts towards achievement. Acknowledging the significance of the Ministry of Finance’s role, Damianou highlighted the importance of their input and assistance in this grand undertaking.

A particular point of discussion was the eJustice system, a digital platform that faced significant hurdles at its initial launch in January. Damianou mentioned that a thorough evaluation is underway, with external expertise and the Cyprus Bar Association’s involvement. Despite setbacks, the objective remains steadfast: to optimize the system’s functionality and incorporate feedback from key stakeholders, including a scheduled meeting with the association on March 12.

Cyber Security: A Top Priority

The conversation also ventured into the crucial realm of cyber security, where an existing Action Plan, as unveiled by Damianou’s predecessor, continues to be pivotal. Described as “of the utmost importance,” this domain’s sensitive nature means details are sparse, but the commitment is clear. The underlying goal is to avoid protracted processes and instead reinforce the cyber security sector vigorously and continuously, as businesses today demand.

Makis Keravnos reassured that the Ministry of Finance stands ready to fully support these cyber security efforts. This partnership between ministries aims to swiftly tackle security issues that pose significant risks. With a united front, they hope to accelerate initiatives within the Action Plan.

Stepping into the Future

In summary, the meeting between the finance and digital policy leaders marked an important step towards realizing the digital ambitions of the government. With strategic planning and inter-ministerial collaboration, they aim to transform these digital dreams into reality, fostering a secure, innovative, and competitive digital landscape for future generations.

What is the main focus of the meeting between the Minister of Finance and the Deputy Minister of Research, Innovation, and Digital Policy?

The meeting focused on enhancing cooperation to drive digital transition as a key government policy. Both ministers discussed strategies for effective collaboration, emphasizing the transformation into a modern digital state, improving the eJustice system, and bolstering cyber security efforts as top priorities within the nation’s Recovery and Resilience Plan.

What are the key priorities within the nation’s Recovery and Resilience Plan discussed during the meeting?

The key priorities discussed during the meeting included enhancing the eJustice system, improving cyber security efforts, and transitioning into a modern digital state. These priorities are part of the government’s strategic planning to propel digital ambitions forward and ensure a competitive digital landscape.

How does the partnership between the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Research, Innovation, and Digital Policy aim to enhance cyber security efforts?

The partnership aims to reinforce cyber security efforts by swiftly tackling security issues that pose significant risks. The Ministry of Finance stands ready to fully support these initiatives, working together with the Ministry of Research, Innovation, and Digital Policy to implement measures outlined in the existing Action Plan for cyber security.

What steps are being taken to improve the functionality of the eJustice system discussed during the meeting?

A thorough evaluation of the eJustice system is currently underway, involving external expertise and collaboration with the Cyprus Bar Association. Feedback from key stakeholders, including the association, will be incorporated into optimizing the system’s functionality. The goal is to address initial hurdles and ensure the system meets the needs of users.

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