
March for Peace: A Call to Action in Nicosia for Gaza

humanitarian aid peace

The march in Nicosia on Sunday at 3pm is a powerful display of unity, calling for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza and urgent humanitarian aid, while upholding international law and showing solidarity towards the Palestinian people. Cyprus, known for its long-standing advocacy for peace and justice, aims to extend a hand of practical solidarity and adhere to international norms in their pursuit for global peace.

What is the purpose of the upcoming march in Nicosia?

The march in Nicosia, scheduled for Sunday at 3pm at Eleftherias Square, is organized to demand an immediate ceasefire in Gaza, call for urgent humanitarian aid, uphold international law, and show solidarity across borders towards the Palestinian people, reflecting Cyprus’ long-standing advocacy for global peace and justice.

United for Peace

In a powerful display of unity, a march is set to take place in the heart of Nicosia. This Sunday at 3pm, individuals from all walks of life are encouraged to gather at Eleftherias Square. A coalition of 38 Greek and Turkish Cypriot organisations have rallied together to call for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza.

The Cry for Humanitarian Aid

As the situation unfolds, the demand for humanitarian assistance grows ever more pressing. The NGOs spearheading this march implore for an urgent provision of aid to the region. They stand against the suffering and seek to amplify the voices of those in dire need.

Solidarity Across Borders

Among the core demands is the call for the Republic of Cyprus to extend a hand of practical solidarity towards the Palestinian people. It’s a testament to the shared belief in humanity, transcending borders and politics.

Adhering to International Norms

The organisations involved assert the importance of upholding international law and the resolutions of the United Nations. It’s a stance that reflects a deep commitment to global justice and the rule of law.

The Spirit of Cyprus

The underlying message is clear – Cyprus advocates for peace not only within its own borders but also globally. The events in Gaza have struck a chord with Cypriots, who understand the value of peace and aspire to see it flourish everywhere.

A History of Advocacy

This isn’t the first instance the people of Cyprus have come forward to show their support for global causes. Previous demonstrations have set the stage for a community deeply engaged with international humanitarian issues.

Joining Hands for Peace

The upcoming march is a call to action for everyone who stands for peace and justice. It’s an opportunity to unite and demonstrate support for a world where conflict gives way to harmony.

Quick Recap

  • The march in Nicosia on Sunday at 3pm is a powerful display of unity, calling for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza and urgent humanitarian aid, while upholding international law and showing solidarity towards the Palestinian people.
  • The march is organized to demand an immediate ceasefire in Gaza, call for urgent humanitarian aid, uphold international law, and show solidarity across borders towards the Palestinian people.
  • A coalition of 38 Greek and Turkish Cypriot organizations have rallied together to call for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza.
  • The NGOs spearheading this march implore for an urgent provision of aid to the region and stand against the suffering.
  • The organizations involved assert the importance of upholding international law and the resolutions of the United Nations, reflecting a deep commitment to global justice and the rule of law.

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