
1 solidarity for palestine

history solidarity

MEPs mark 50th anniversary in Strasbourg

The 50th anniversary event in the European Parliament, led by Cypriot MEPs, commemorated the Turkish invasion of Cyprus, emphasizing unity and the need for resolution. The event highlighted the EU’s commitment to peace and human rights, calling for solidarity and action towards reunification and the end of the island’s division.

transport safety

Larnaca Buses Strike After Driver Attacked

The Larnaca bus drivers strike was sparked by an assault on one of their own, highlighting the risks faced by public transport workers. The incident underscores the urgent need for increased safety measures and respect for those who keep the city moving.

history remembrance

Commemorating a Historic Struggle: Church of Cyprus Announces Events for Invasion Anniversary

The Church of Cyprus is commemorating the 50year anniversary of the Turkish invasion with a series of reflective events, including a special liturgy at the Kyrenia bishopric emphasizing the nation’s resistance and hope for justice and reunification. The Archbishop’s message highlights the Church’s unwavering stance against enduring consequences of the invasion, advocating for human rights and territorial integrity while uniting individuals in a common cause of seeking resolution and reconciliation.

firefighting community support

New Fire Ignites in Ayia Varvara and Marki

A new fire has erupted in Ayia Varvara and Marki, following the extinguishment of a previous fire near Politiko. Fire services, led by spokesman Andreas Kettis, have swiftly deployed resources including three fire trucks and two aircraft to combat the blaze, with strong community support from local volunteers and additional forestry department forces.

humanitarian aid cyprus

Generous Humanitarian Aid: Cypriot Shipowners Donate to Gaza

In a heartwarming display of solidarity, the Cyprus Union of Shipowners (CUS) donated €300,000 worth of food supplies to Gaza as part of the Amalthea initiative. The supplies were prepared at the Port of Larnaca and are set to be dispatched to those in need, showcasing the CUS’s commitment to providing essential aid.

health awareness

Illuminating Solidarity: Cyprus Commemorates World Thalassaemia Day

Cyprus commemorates World Thalassaemia Day by illuminating buildings in red, led by the Pancyprian Thalassaemia Association to raise awareness and support for patients. The association organizes events like the Blood Donation March and Thalassaemia Conference to educate and inspire community action in providing a nurturing environment for those affected by thalassaemia.

labour day trade unions

Celebrating Labour Day in Cyprus

Cyprus celebrates Labour Day with vibrant festivities organized by major trade unions Sek and Peo, including unity marches, speeches by leaders, and celebrations emphasizing solidarity between Greek and Turkish Cypriot unions. The day’s events are a powerful reminder of workers’ contributions and the importance of unity in society.

immigration human rights

Tragic End During Immigration Raid: The Case of Anisur Rahman

The tragic death of Anisur Rahman during a police immigration raid in Limassol, Cyprus, led to protests condemning alleged racism and demanding respectful treatment for migrants. Investigations into police conduct and human rights adherence are ongoing, sparking a quest for transparency and justice within the Bangladeshi community.

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