
Law Enforcement Intensifies Patrols in Limassol

traffic violations public safety

Over the recent bank holiday weekend, Limassol police intensified patrols resulting in 811 vehicle stops and 833 individual checks, leading to fines for 20 drink driving cases, 134 other traffic violations, and 31 court referrals. In addition, the operation recovered stolen motorcycles and a hunting rifle, impounded vehicles without plates, and resulted in three arrests for illegal drug possession, showcasing the police force’s commitment to public safety and security.

What were the results of the intensified police patrols in Limassol during the recent bank holiday?

  • Over the bank holiday, Limassol police increased patrols, resulting in 811 vehicle stops and 833 individual checks.
  • They issued 20 fines for drink driving and 134 fines for other traffic violations, with 31 cases referred to court.
  • 10 vehicles were impounded for lack of license plates, three stolen motorcycles and a stolen hunting rifle were recovered.
  • Six fines were issued for possession of these stolen items and three individuals were arrested for illegal drug possession.

Over the recent bank holiday weekend, the Limassol police force stepped up its presence, resulting in a multitude of penalties being issued for various infractions. On Tuesday, officials reported that the concentrated effort led to a significant number of stops and checks throughout the district.

From March 29 to April 1, a total of 811 vehicles were halted, and 833 individuals were scrutinized under the intensified operations. The operation was part of a broader initiative to enforce traffic laws and public order.

Traffic Violations and Drink Driving Crackdown

The crackdown on traffic violations was particularly successful, according to the police. They administered 147 alcotests and fined 20 people for drink driving. Moreover, 134 individuals received fines for other traffic-related offenses. A subset of these incidents, specifically 31, were serious enough to warrant court referrals.

In an effort to combat illegal activities, authorities impounded 10 cars, four motorcycles, and three scooters that were found to be without license plates. The clampdown extended beyond traffic issues, with police raiding residences and buildings, which led to the recovery of three stolen motorcycles and a stolen hunting rifle.

Efforts Against Crime Yield Results

The operation also had implications for crime beyond traffic violations. Six fines were issued in connection with the stolen items found during the raids. In addition to the traffic enforcement, police reported that three individuals were apprehended for possessing illegal drugs.

Furthermore, the police were engaged in investigating two burglaries and an arson case, which involved setting fire to an open field. These incidents highlight the broad spectrum of law enforcement activities that took place during the intensified patrols.

Safety and Security in the Public Eye

The outcomes of these extensive operations underscore the police’s commitment to maintaining public safety and security. By removing dangerous drivers from the roads, recovering stolen property, and addressing drug-related crimes, the authorities aim to deter future offenses and uphold the law.

These efforts serve as a reminder to the public about the importance of adhering to traffic laws and the potential consequences of criminal behavior. The police’s visibility and proactive measures are crucial in preventing accidents, reducing crime, and fostering a safer environment for all residents and visitors in Limassol.

What were the results of the intensified police patrols in Limassol during the recent bank holiday?

  • Over the bank holiday, Limassol police increased patrols, resulting in 811 vehicle stops and 833 individual checks.
  • They issued 20 fines for drink driving and 134 fines for other traffic violations, with 31 cases referred to court.
  • 10 vehicles were impounded for lack of license plates, three stolen motorcycles and a stolen hunting rifle were recovered.
  • Six fines were issued for possession of these stolen items and three individuals were arrested for illegal drug possession.

How successful was the crackdown on traffic violations and drink driving?

  • The police conducted 147 alcotests and fined 20 individuals for drink driving.
  • 134 people were fined for other traffic-related offenses, with 31 cases referred to court.
  • 10 cars, four motorcycles, and three scooters were impounded for lack of license plates.

What were the outcomes of the efforts against crime during the intensified police patrols?

  • Six fines were issued for possession of stolen items recovered during raids.
  • Three individuals were arrested for illegal drug possession.
  • The police investigated two burglaries and an arson case related to setting fire to an open field.

What is the significance of these operations for public safety and security in Limassol?

  • The police’s efforts in removing dangerous drivers from the road, recovering stolen property, and addressing criminal activities demonstrate their commitment to public safety.
  • The visibility and proactive measures taken by law enforcement serve to prevent accidents, reduce crime, and create a safer environment for both residents and visitors in Limassol.

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