
New Initiatives Offer Hope to Farmers Affected by Wildfires

agriculture wildfires

Farmers in the Limassol district affected by wildfires can access two support schemes: one covers 80% of repair costs for registered farmers with crop declarations, excluding certain infrastructures, and the other offers financial aid for environmental restoration for those ineligible for the first. These initiatives aim to provide much-needed relief and support to farmers in the wake of significant losses caused by the recent wildfires.

What support is available for farmers affected by wildfires in the Limassol district?

Farmers in the Limassol district affected by wildfires can access two support schemes. The first covers 80% of repair costs for registered farmers with crop declarations, excluding certain infrastructures. The second offers financial aid for environmental restoration for those ineligible for the first. Applications for either scheme go through designated contact numbers.

In the wake of destructive wildfires, actions are being taken to support the agricultural community. Authorities have announced a pair of schemes aimed at providing much-needed relief to farmers in the Limassol district. These fires, which occurred in August and September, have led to significant losses for the local farmers.

Restoration and Recovery Support

The first of the two schemes targets farmers who have faced damages to their produce and means of production. To qualify, one must be a farmer already registered with the Agricultural Payments Organisation, and have submitted a crop declaration. The scheme excludes certain types of farming infrastructures such as greenhouses, and it also disqualifies unlicensed farms and warehouses.

Compensation provided by this scheme will address up to 80% of the expenses that farmers have incurred while repairing damages. This includes the restoration or replacement of perennial crops, irrigation systems, and essential machinery.

Financial Aid for Environmental Rejuvenation

The second scheme is distinct from the first, focusing on financial aid to help restore the rural environment that has been scarred by the fires. This scheme is available to those farmers who find themselves ineligible for the first one. It’s important to note that farmers must choose between the two schemes – one cannot apply for both.

Application Process and Guidelines

Farmers seeking to apply for either of these schemes can reach out for more information through the designated contact numbers. These initiatives underscore the government’s recognition of the crucial role that agriculture plays in the district and their commitment to ensuring that farmers have the support they need to overcome the challenges posed by natural disasters.

In an effort to assist and incentivize the agricultural sector’s recovery, these schemes represent a beacon of support, providing a path forward for farmers who have been affected by the recent wildfires. By offering financial aid for both immediate and long-term recovery, the aim is to bolster the resilience of the farming community and facilitate the restoration of the damaged environment.

Quick Recap

  • Farmers in the Limassol district affected by wildfires can access two support schemes.
  • The first scheme covers 80% of repair costs for registered farmers with crop declarations, excluding certain infrastructures.
  • The second scheme offers financial aid for environmental restoration for those ineligible for the first.
  • Farmers must choose between the two schemes and applications go through designated contact numbers.
  • The initiatives aim to provide relief and support to farmers in the wake of significant losses caused by the recent wildfires.

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