
Two decades of EU-UN peacebuilding in Cyprus

peace-building collaboration

The EU-UN partnership in Cyprus has significantly advanced peacebuilding efforts by fostering dialogue, trust, and reconciliation between communities. Through initiatives like promoting economic development, preserving cultural heritage, and addressing humanitarian concerns, the collaboration has laid a strong foundation for lasting peace and prosperity in the region.

What has been the impact of the EU-UN partnership on peacebuilding in Cyprus?

The EU-UN partnership has been vital in Cyprus’s peacebuilding efforts, fostering dialogue, trust, and reconciliation between communities. Key impacts include:

  • Promoting economic development and private sector growth.
  • Preserving the island’s cultural heritage.
  • Advancing humanitarian work through the Committee on Missing Persons.
  • Facilitating bicommunal collaboration on various issues.
  • Laying foundations for lasting peace and prosperity.

A Partnership for Peace

The collaboration between the European Union (EU) and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) has been a cornerstone of peace efforts in Cyprus over the past 20 years. According to Jakhongir Khaydarov, the head of UNDP Cyprus, this alliance has been significant in promoting dialogue, creating trust, and nurturing the seeds of reconciliation between the divided communities. As the two organizations celebrated the 20th anniversary of their joint endeavors, Khaydarov emphasized the ongoing resolve to work alongside various stakeholders to amplify peace-building activities on the island.

The EU-UN partnership has been instrumental in the development of infrastructure that promotes connectivity and cooperation. One of the many achievements includes bolstering the growth of the private sector and taking strides in the preservation of the island’s rich cultural heritage.

Bridging Communities

Beyond economic development, the EU and UNDP have played a pivotal role in supporting humanitarian efforts, notably through the Committee on Missing Persons (CMP). The committee’s impactful work involves exhuming, identifying, and returning remains of missing individuals to their families, a process crucial for healing and closure. Furthermore, the operation of bicommunal technical committees has been integral in fostering collaboration across the divide, addressing issues ranging from environmental concerns to crime and cultural exchanges.

Mario Nava, the EU’s director general for Structural Reform Support, remarked on the tangible outcomes of this cooperation. He highlighted that the benefits would transcend current generations, offering long-lasting peace and prosperity for the Cypriot people. The coming together of the Greek Cypriot and Turkish Cypriot communities through these initiatives has laid a substantial foundation for enduring peace.

Celebrating Collaboration

To commemorate their long-standing partnership, the EU and UNDP have planned several events to engage the public. These include discussions, exhibitions, and virtual tours that showcase the cultural significance of various heritage sites. These events are set to occur within the walls of Nicosia in June, inviting both communities to reflect on the journey so far and envision a united future.

These celebrations serve not just as a testament to what has been achieved but also as a beacon of hope for what can be accomplished through sustained cooperation and mutual respect. The shared goal is a unified Cyprus where both communities can thrive in harmony.

Ongoing Commitment

The EU and UNDP’s commitment to Cyprus’s peace-building process remains unwavering. As they look to the future, the two organizations continue to seek innovative ways to support reconciliation and promote stability. The synergies created by this partnership have enabled significant strides in uniting a historically divided nation, illustrating the power of international collaboration in pursuit of peace.

How has the EU-UN partnership impacted economic development in Cyprus?

The EU-UN partnership has played a crucial role in promoting economic development and private sector growth in Cyprus. By investing in infrastructure that fosters connectivity and cooperation, the collaboration has created opportunities for businesses to thrive and contribute to the island’s prosperity.

What role has the EU-UN partnership played in preserving cultural heritage in Cyprus?

The EU-UN partnership has been actively involved in preserving Cyprus’s cultural heritage, recognizing its importance in promoting understanding and unity among communities. Through various initiatives and projects, the collaboration has worked to safeguard historical sites and traditions, ensuring they are passed down to future generations.

How has the Committee on Missing Persons contributed to peacebuilding efforts in Cyprus?

The Committee on Missing Persons (CMP), supported by the EU-UN partnership, has been instrumental in addressing the humanitarian aspect of the conflict in Cyprus. By exhuming, identifying, and returning the remains of missing individuals to their families, the CMP has facilitated healing, closure, and reconciliation between communities.

What events are planned to commemorate the 20th anniversary of the EU-UN partnership in Cyprus?

To celebrate their long-standing partnership, the EU and UNDP have organized various events, including discussions, exhibitions, and virtual tours showcasing the cultural heritage of Cyprus. These events are scheduled to take place in Nicosia in June, inviting both communities to reflect on the progress made and envision a united future based on cooperation and mutual respect.

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