
Smart Meter Installation Edges Closer to Reality

smart meters cyprus

Cyprus awarded the smart meter installation contract to Cyta, worth around €40 million. The plan aims to install 400,000 smart meters for a more modern and efficient electricity grid.

Who was awarded the smart meter installation contract in Cyprus?

The smart meter installation contract in Cyprus was awarded to the Cyprus Telecommunications Authority (Cyta) by the Electricity Authority (EAC). Cyta’s successful bid, around €40 million, marks a significant step for Cyprus’s electricity grid modernization, aiming to install 400,000 smart meters.

Awarding the Smart Meter Contract

Cyprus is making strides toward modernizing its electricity grid. The Electricity Authority (EAC) has taken a significant step by awarding the installation of smart meters to the Cyprus Telecommunications Authority (Cyta). This pivotal move came after an extensive tender process and was a decision made by the EAC’s newly appointed board of directors.

Smart meters are crucial for the electricity grid as they provide real-time information on energy consumption, leading to more efficient energy use and better customer service. The EAC plans to install 400,000 of these meters, aligning with the country’s commitment to the recovery and resilience fund (RRF) guidelines. These stipulations were established by the energy regulatory authority (Cera) in 2018 to propel Cyprus towards a more sustainable and resilient energy sector.

Legal Eligibility and Tender Concerns

The path to this decision was not straightforward. Concerns were raised regarding Cyta’s legal eligibility to participate in the tender, considering the services extended beyond their traditional telecom-related operations. However, these concerns were quelled following a comprehensive legal opinion affirming Cyta’s eligibility.

Cyta’s proposal, although the most expensive among the contenders, was deemed the most suitable by the EAC committee. The company’s successful bid is expected to hover around the €40 million mark. This decision, while decisive, is anticipated to face an appeals process, a potential echo of the past tender’s challenges that led to significant delays.

Timelines and Expectations

The Republic has set forth clear commitments to the EU regarding the use of RRF funds. These include a strict timeline for finalizing the deal with the supplier by March 2024. An immediate goal is set for the EAC to receive the first 50,000 meters and ensure 15,000 are installed by September of the same year. By June 2026, all 400,000 meters must be delivered, with 250,000 installations completed.

The commencement of the actual installation, however, follows a planned survey period of one year. This includes a brief pilot program, crucial for ironing out any issues before a full-scale rollout.

Project Budget and Phases

This project is not only significant in its contribution to energy efficiency but also represents a considerable financial endeavor. The first phase of installation was projected to involve 57,143 meters with a budget allocation of €17 million to the EAC. Yet, it has endured delays, pushing back the original timeline.

Despite these setbacks, the promise of an upgraded, efficient, and possibly transformative electricity network for Cyprus looms on the horizon. With precise execution and adherence to the proposed timelines, the country is poised to make substantial progress in its energy sector.

What is the purpose of installing smart meters in Cyprus?

Installing smart meters in Cyprus aims to modernize and make the electricity grid more efficient. The real-time data provided by smart meters allows for better energy management, improved customer service, and aligns with the country’s commitment to sustainable energy practices.

What is the significance of Cyta being awarded the smart meter installation contract?

Cyta being awarded the smart meter installation contract in Cyprus is significant as it marks a crucial step in the modernization of the country’s electricity grid. Despite concerns over Cyta’s eligibility, their proposal was deemed the most suitable, and their successful bid is expected to cost around €40 million.

What are the timelines set for the installation of smart meters in Cyprus?

The Republic has set strict timelines for the installation of smart meters in Cyprus. By March 2024, the deal with the supplier must be finalized, with 50,000 meters received and 15,000 installed by September of the same year. By June 2026, all 400,000 meters must be delivered, with 250,000 installations completed.

What is the budget allocation for the smart meter installation project in Cyprus?

The first phase of the smart meter installation project in Cyprus involved 57,143 meters with a budget allocation of €17 million to the Electricity Authority (EAC). Despite delays, the project represents a significant financial endeavor aiming to upgrade the electricity network for better efficiency and service.

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