
Cyprus Shipping Chamber Condemns Houthi Missile Attack

shipping maritime security

The Cyprus Shipping Chamber (CSC) vehemently denounced the missile attack on the commercial vessel True Confidence by Houthi forces, leading to tragic loss of life and injuries. CSC urges immediate international intervention to protect seafarers and vessels in the Red Sea from further acts of aggression.

What was the Cyprus Shipping Chamber’s response to the Houthi missile attack on True Confidence?

The Cyprus Shipping Chamber (CSC) strongly condemned the missile attack by Houthi forces on the commercial vessel True Confidence, which resulted in loss of life and injuries. CSC calls for immediate international action to ensure the safety and well-being of seafarers and the protection of vessels in the Red Sea against such acts of aggression.

A Call for Action and Safety at Sea

In a recent and most unfortunate turn of events, the commercial vessel True Confidence was subjected to a missile attack by Houthi forces. This grave incident has resulted in the tragic loss of three crew members, with at least four others sustaining injuries. The Cyprus Shipping Chamber (CSC) has voiced its strong condemnation of this attack. In the wake of this violence, CSC has extended its deepest sympathies to those who are mourning the seafarers and has expressed hope for the swift recovery of the injured.

The assault on the True Confidence is a stark reminder of the perils that seafarers face. It casts a glaring spotlight on the vulnerability of commercial vessels navigating through the Red Sea. CSC’s statement emphatically denounces the targeting of these innocent and defenseless individuals. They call upon states and international legal entities to take immediate, decisive action to safeguard the lives and well-being of personnel aboard ships traversing this region.

The Attack and Its Implications

The True Confidence, a Greek-owned and Barbados-flagged ship, found itself engulfed in flames following the missile strike. This incident occurred approximately 50 nautical miles from Yemen’s port city of Aden. The vessel is operated by Third January Maritime, based in Greece, and is owned by the Liberian-registered company True Confidence Shipping. Both companies have released a joint statement concerning the attack. The management company FML SHIP MANAGEMENT, which oversees the True Confidence, is based in Limassol, Cyprus, connecting the incident even more closely with the island nation.

This attack is not an isolated occurrence. Instead, it represents an escalation in a series of assaults, which the Houthis claim to be a part of their campaign linked to the war in Gaza. These actions pose a severe threat to international maritime security and highlight the need for a concerted international response.

The Global Response

In response to the attack, the European Community Shipowners’ Associations convened for its regular meeting. Maritime leaders and stakeholders reiterated the vital necessity of providing adequate protection for shipping endeavors and the defenseless seafarers aboard these vessels. The meeting, held in Brussels on March 7, 2024, became a platform for discussing a range of critical issues.

The agenda addressed the pressing concerns of maritime safety and the security of commercial shipping in conflict zones, such as the Red Sea. It also touched on the broader scope of the shipping industry’s future, including measures to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions and the transition towards low- and zero-emission fuels. Other topics included seafarers’ wages, economic security, and the financial aspects of shipping such as taxation and ship financing. The delegation from Cyprus, comprising Philippos Philis, Nicolas Hadjioannou, and Thomas Kazakos, represented the interests and concerns of the Cypriot shipping community.

The Path Forward

As the shipping industry grapples with this incident, it becomes increasingly clear that international cooperation and solidarity are paramount. The safety of seafarers and the security of maritime routes must remain a priority for the global community. The CSC’s call to action serves as a reminder that the world must come together to protect those who navigate the world’s oceans, ensuring that commerce and lives are safeguarded against acts of aggression and piracy.

The maritime community awaits the implementation of enhanced safety measures, hoping that such tragic events do not recur. The call for an end to hostilities against commercial vessels is clear, and the need for peace and security on the high seas is more pressing than ever.

What was the Cyprus Shipping Chamber’s response to the Houthi missile attack on True Confidence?

The Cyprus Shipping Chamber (CSC) strongly condemned the missile attack by Houthi forces on the commercial vessel True Confidence, which resulted in loss of life and injuries. CSC calls for immediate international action to ensure the safety and well-being of seafarers and the protection of vessels in the Red Sea against such acts of aggression.

What were the implications of the attack on True Confidence?

The attack on the True Confidence, a Greek-owned and Barbados-flagged ship, resulted in the tragic loss of three crew members and injuries to at least four others. This incident highlights the vulnerability of commercial vessels in the Red Sea and the need for international response to ensure maritime security in the region.

How did the European Community Shipowners’ Associations respond to the attack?

The European Community Shipowners’ Associations convened for a meeting in Brussels to discuss the attack on True Confidence and the broader issues of maritime safety and security. Maritime leaders emphasized the importance of protecting shipping endeavors and seafarers, while also addressing future challenges such as reducing greenhouse gas emissions and transitioning to zero-emission fuels.

What is the path forward for the maritime industry following the attack on True Confidence?

The maritime industry is focused on enhancing safety measures and promoting international cooperation to prevent similar tragic events from occurring in the future. The CSC’s call to action underscores the need for peace and security on the high seas, emphasizing the importance of protecting seafarers and commercial vessels against acts of aggression and piracy.

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