
maritime security

maritime security migration management

Enhanced Maritime Security Measures by Cyprus

Cyprus has bolstered maritime security by deploying two port police boats, ‘Alasia’ and ‘Theseus,’ near the Lebanese coast to intercept migrant vessels. As part of a broader regional migration control effort, Cyprus has also suspended asylum application processing for Syrian migrants to manage irregular migration flows effectively.

shipping maritime security

Cyprus Shipping Chamber Condemns Houthi Missile Attack

The Cyprus Shipping Chamber (CSC) vehemently denounced the missile attack on the commercial vessel True Confidence by Houthi forces, leading to tragic loss of life and injuries. CSC urges immediate international intervention to protect seafarers and vessels in the Red Sea from further acts of aggression.

maritime security eu

Cyprus Shipping Chamber Welcomes Mission to Protect Red Sea Vessels

The Cyprus Shipping Chamber welcomes the EU’s maritime security operation ‘ASPIDES’ in the Red Sea, aimed at protecting commercial vessels amidst security challenges. This initiative, involving EU member states such as France, Germany, Italy, and Belgium, highlights the commitment to ensuring safe passage through this essential trade corridor for global supply chains and economic interests.

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