
Cyprus Intensifies Migrant Repatriation Efforts

migration repatriation

Cyprus has increased its migrant repatriations to 4,491, collaborating with Greek authorities and Frontex. The country is pushing for Syria to be recognized as safe for repatriation, advocating for a more proactive approach to managing migrant influx.

What efforts has Cyprus made to manage migration and repatriate migrants?

Cyprus has intensified its migration management by increasing migrant repatriations to 4,491, collaborating with Greek authorities and Frontex. This includes a focus on voluntary returns and using the EU’s solidarity mechanism, making Cyprus the EU state with the highest per capita returns. The country is also advocating for Syria to be recognized as safe for repatriation.

A Notable Increase in Repatriations

Cyprus has significantly stepped up its efforts to manage migration this year, with a marked increase in the number of repatriated migrants. The total number stands at 4,491 individuals, a figure surpassing last year’s count for the same period by over a thousand. This upsurge reflects the island’s intensified approach to the complex issue of undocumented migrants.

These repatriations were carried out in collaboration with Greek authorities and under the aegis of Frontex, the European Border and Coast Guard Agency. The latest repatriation flight took off from the island just this past Tuesday, signaling the continuation of Cyprus’s determined action plan to enhance the efficiency of its repatriation operations.

European Support and Local Challenges

The European Union’s commitment to Cyprus in this aspect was underscored by European Commission Vice President Margaritis Schinas earlier in March. During his visit, he lauded Cyprus as an “emerging European champion of returns” and emphasized the unique challenges the country faces in managing migration. He assured that the EU’s support for Cyprus is steadfast.

Interior Minister Constantinos Ioannou credited the increase in successful returns to improved cooperation with Frontex, enhanced information dissemination about the voluntary return program, and the effective use of the EU’s solidarity mechanism. Ioannou’s efforts have positioned Cyprus as the EU member state with the highest number of returns per capita.

Cyprus Appeals for Syrian Repatriation

Despite these achievements, Cyprus continues to experience substantial migratory pressure, primarily from the influx of Syrian nationals. This has led to an assertive campaign by Cyprus for Syria to be recognized as a safe country for the return of migrants. An inter-ministerial meeting on May 17 brought together representatives from seven other EU states to deliberate over the evolving situation in Syria and the future of international protection offered to its nationals.

The collective stance of the eight nations acknowledges the significant changes in Syria over the past 13 years. While full political stability has not been attained, there is a shift towards considering revisions in asylum policies for Syrian arrivals, taking into account the current conditions in the country.

Cyprus’s Firm Stance on Refugee Influx

The Cypriot President, Nikos Christodoulides, has been forthright about the island’s capacity to accommodate Syrian refugees, stating to media that Cyprus has reached its limit. The government’s stance has evolved from a mere suggestion to a firm principle – actively advocating for certain regions in Syria to be designated as safe areas for repatriation purposes.

These developments reflect Cyprus’s proactive and evolving measures to address the challenges of migration and underline the importance of international cooperation and dialogue in managing global refugee and migrant movements effectively.

How many migrants has Cyprus repatriated and what is the collaborative effort involved?

Cyprus has intensified its migration management by increasing migrant repatriations to 4,491 individuals, collaborating with Greek authorities and Frontex. This includes a focus on voluntary returns and utilizing the EU’s solidarity mechanism. Cyprus has become the EU state with the highest per capita returns.

What has been the notable increase in repatriations in Cyprus?

Cyprus has seen a significant increase in repatriations, with 4,491 individuals being repatriated, surpassing the count from the same period last year by over a thousand. These repatriations were carried out in collaboration with Greek authorities and Frontex, emphasizing the country’s intensified approach to managing migration.

What support has Cyprus received from the European Union in managing migration?

The European Union has shown its commitment to Cyprus in managing migration, with European Commission Vice President Margaritis Schinas praising Cyprus as an “emerging European champion of returns.” Cyprus has received support in the form of improved cooperation with Frontex, enhanced information dissemination about voluntary returns, and effective use of the EU’s solidarity mechanism.

Why is Cyprus advocating for Syria to be recognized as safe for repatriation?

Cyprus is facing significant migratory pressure, particularly from Syrian nationals. The country is advocating for Syria to be recognized as safe for repatriation in order to address the challenges posed by the influx of Syrian migrants. An inter-ministerial meeting involving representatives from multiple EU states discussed the evolving situation in Syria and the future of international protection for Syrian nationals.

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