
No Conflict of Interest: Cypriot Lawyers in Anastasiades Case

investigation integrity

Cyprus is ensuring a fair investigation against former President Anastasiades by appointing a conflict-free team, including three impartial Cypriot lawyers and international legal expert Gabrielle McIntyre. This team will scrutinize corruption allegations, maintaining transparency and upholding due process throughout the investigation.

How is Cyprus ensuring the integrity of the legal investigation against former President Anastasiades?

Cyprus is ensuring the integrity of the investigation against Nicos Anastasiades by assembling a conflict-free team, including three impartial Cypriot lawyers and international legal expert Gabrielle McIntyre. This team will scrutinize corruption allegations, maintaining transparency and upholding due process throughout the investigation.

Ensuring Integrity in Legal Proceedings

The integrity of legal proceedings is of utmost importance, especially in high-profile cases involving allegations against former state officials. To address corruption claims directed at the former Cypriot President Nicos Anastasiades, an investigation team has been meticulously assembled, ensuring there are no conflicts of interest. The anti-corruption authority in Cyprus has affirmed that there will be three Cypriot lawyers assisting Gabrielle McIntyre, the legal expert at the helm of the investigation.

An Unbiased Team

With the spotlight on maintaining impartiality, the appointed Cypriot lawyers—Charilaos Chrysanthou, Orestis Nikitas, and Andreas Efthymiou—have been carefully vetted to avoid any potential biases. Their primary responsibility is to support McIntyre in perusing the material associated with the allegations put forth in Makarios Drousiotis’ book ‘Mafia State’. McIntyre, who possesses a wealth of experience in international legal practices and has served as the chairperson of the Seychelles’ Truth, Reconciliation and National Unity Commission, is set to arrive in Cyprus on March 3 to advance the investigative process.

The Depth of Experience

Gabrielle McIntyre brings a profound depth of experience to the investigative team, having managed legal proceedings at various stages, including pre-trial, trial, and appeal for judges of the ICTY (International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia). Her expertise spans international humanitarian law, international criminal law, and human rights law, which will be invaluable in scrutinizing the case against Anastasiades.

A Transparent Approach

The former president, Nicos Anastasiades, has openly welcomed McIntyre’s appointment, signaling his expectation for the investigation’s findings to be publicized. In contrast, Makarios Drousiotis, the author of the book at the core of the allegations, has reported that he faced pressure from Anastasiades’ legal team. He claims they demanded the withdrawal of his books, along with an official apology and compensation.

The Role of the Anti-Corruption Authority

Established a year and a half ago, the Cypriot anti-corruption authority has taken on the responsibility of delving into corruption cases involving current or former state officials. Their scope extends to assessing the claims detailed in Drousiotis’ ‘Mafia State’, which accuses Anastasiades, among others, of corrupt practices. The establishment of the authority marks a significant step in the country’s efforts to combat corruption and uphold the rule of law.

Media and Public Scrutiny

As the investigation unfolds, the public’s interest is piqued, and the media is closely monitoring each development. The authority has resolved to maintain a measure of discretion regarding the ongoing process of the investigation, ensuring its integrity and the principles of due process are upheld. This commitment to transparency and fairness is a testament to the evolving judicial landscape in Cyprus.

What measures has Cyprus taken to ensure the integrity of the legal investigation against former President Anastasiades?

Cyprus has assembled a conflict-free team consisting of three impartial Cypriot lawyers and international legal expert Gabrielle McIntyre to scrutinize corruption allegations against former President Anastasiades. This team will maintain transparency and uphold due process throughout the investigation.

Who is Gabrielle McIntyre and what expertise does she bring to the investigation team?

Gabrielle McIntyre is an international legal expert with experience in managing legal proceedings at various stages, including pre-trial, trial, and appeal for judges of the ICTY. Her expertise spans international humanitarian law, international criminal law, and human rights law, making her a valuable asset in scrutinizing the case against Anastasiades.

What is the role of the Cypriot anti-corruption authority in this investigation?

The Cypriot anti-corruption authority, established a year and a half ago, is responsible for delving into corruption cases involving current or former state officials. They are assessing the claims detailed in the book ‘Mafia State’, which accuses Anastasiades of corrupt practices. This marks a significant step in Cyprus’ efforts to combat corruption and uphold the rule of law.

How is the investigation process being handled in terms of transparency and public scrutiny?

The investigation process is being handled with a commitment to transparency, with former President Anastasiades welcoming the investigation’s findings to be publicized. The media and the public are closely monitoring each development, while the anti-corruption authority has resolved to maintain discretion to ensure the integrity and principles of due process are upheld.

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