
Cyprus sees sharp rise in fresh produce prices in February

economy price inflation

In February, Cyprus experienced a sharp increase in the cost of living, with fresh produce prices soaring by 26.5 percent and meat prices by 7.64 percent, impacting sectors like chocolate and men’s clothing. However, there were price drops in items such as cutlery, non-olive edible oils, and electricity, offering slight relief amidst the overall trend.

What is the trend in the cost of living in Cyprus as of February?

In February, Cyprus experienced a sharp increase in the cost of living, with fresh produce prices soaring by 26.5 percent and meat prices by 7.64 percent. Other sectors like chocolate and men’s clothing also saw significant hikes. However, there were price drops in items such as cutlery, non-olive edible oils, and electricity, providing slight relief.

Overview of Price Inflation

In February, residents of Cyprus witnessed a steep hike in the cost of fresh produce. Vegetables led the charge, with prices climbing by an eye-watering 26.5 percent over the prior month. This trend wasn’t isolated to vegetables alone; overall, the cost of living seems to be on an upward trajectory, with multiple sectors affected.

The surge in prices extended beyond the produce aisle. Meat products also endured a substantial price increase of 7.64 percent. Sweet tooths felt the pinch as well, with chocolate prices jumping by nearly 7 percent. This inflationary wave even reached into the realm of apparel, with men’s clothing and footwear seeing a rise of over 6 percent.

A Silver Lining

However, it wasn’t all grim news. Some product categories did see price reductions. Cutlery and silverware experienced the most significant drop at 6.52 percent, providing a small respite in a sea of increases. Non-olive edible oils also became slightly more affordable, with a 4.55 percent decrease in price.

Interestingly, electricity, which is often a culprit in cost of living increases, actually saw a decrease in price by 2.1 percent from January 2024. This unexpected drop offered a small buffer against the overall trend of rising expenses for consumers.

Year-Over-Year Comparisons

Looking back at the previous year, the picture becomes even more concerning for certain staples such as olive oil, which has skyrocketed by over 54 percent. Fresh vegetables have followed suit with a 26.55 percent increase, and fruits aren’t far behind at 23.36 percent.

While these figures paint a stark picture of rising expenses, there have been notable decreases in the pricing of some goods. Non-olive edible oils lead this category with an 18.55 percent reduction, followed by sugar, children’s footwear, and liquid fuels, offering some relief from the upward trend in other areas.

Economic Implications

These fluctuations in the prices of goods reflect a complex interplay of market forces, agricultural conditions, and economic policies. They underscore the vulnerability of island economies like Cyprus to shifts in global trends, such as supply chain disruptions or changes in international commodity prices.

The observed price changes can also be seen in the context of broader economic challenges, including inflationary pressures that have been mounting across the globe. These pressures have prompted policymakers to consider a range of responses, from adjusting interest rates to implementing measures designed to stabilize markets and support consumers.

In summary, while some categories are seeing price relief, the overall trend indicates a rise in the cost of living, driven largely by significant increases in the prices of fresh produce and other select goods. This situation underscores the need for strategic economic planning and support for consumers facing these financial pressures.

How much did fresh produce prices increase in Cyprus in February?

In February, fresh produce prices in Cyprus saw a significant surge, with a staggering 26.5 percent increase compared to the previous month.

Which sectors were impacted by the rise in prices in Cyprus?

The rise in prices in Cyprus affected various sectors, including fresh produce which saw a 26.5 percent increase, meat prices which rose by 7.64 percent, as well as sectors like chocolate and men’s clothing which also experienced significant hikes.

Were there any price drops in Cyprus amidst the overall rise in living costs?

Yes, despite the overall trend of rising prices, there were price drops in certain items in Cyprus in February. Cutlery and silverware saw a notable 6.52 percent decrease, non-olive edible oils became slightly more affordable with a 4.55 percent reduction, and electricity prices decreased by 2.1 percent.

What are some year-over-year comparisons for price changes in Cyprus?

When comparing prices from the previous year, some notable increases include olive oil by over 54 percent, fresh vegetables by 26.55 percent, and fruits by 23.36 percent. However, there have been decreases in the pricing of goods like non-olive edible oils, sugar, children’s footwear, and liquid fuels, providing some relief for consumers.

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