
Urgent Call for Reassessment of Akamas Development Plans

sustainable development ecological integrity

The Cyprus Architects’ Association urgently calls for a re-evaluation of construction projects in Akamas, advocating for sustainable development that preserves the area’s ecology. They recommend a unified, transparent plan involving experts to guide development while protecting the region’s natural biodiversity and preventing environmental impacts. The association’s concerns are supported by former scientific advisor Klitos Papastylianou, who warns of dire consequences if action is not taken to address the potential soil erosion and irreversible degradation of habitats. The construction activities in Akamas have been temporarily suspended to address these pressing issues.

What is the urgent call to action by the Cyprus Architects’ Association regarding Akamas?

The Cyprus Architects’ Association urgently calls for a re-evaluation of construction projects in Akamas, advocating for sustainable development that preserves the area’s ecology. They recommend a unified, transparent plan involving experts to guide development while protecting the region’s natural biodiversity and preventing environmental impacts.

Architects Advocate for Sustainable Development

The Cyprus Architects’ Association issued a pressing statement on Friday, urging for a swift and thorough re-evaluation of the ongoing construction projects in the Akamas region. This call to action reflects growing concerns over the current developmental approach and its potential impacts on the area’s ecological integrity.

A Unified Plan for the Akamas Region

The architects emphasized the necessity for a collaborative effort among the responsible ministries and stakeholders. Their proposition includes the development of a coherent plan that adheres to international standards and incorporates transparent procedures. This unified strategy should be responsive to the intrinsic needs of the local community while preserving and leveraging the region’s rich natural biodiversity.

Protecting Akamas’ Ecosystem

Further, the association welcomed initiatives to delineate the main road network in the Akamas national park. Such measures are crucial to protect the delicate ecosystem from the detrimental effects of vehicular traffic, which has become a matter of concern for both the environment and the visiting public.

Concerns Over Environmental Impact

The intensity of the construction activities within Akamas, a known environmentally sensitive zone, is particularly alarming to the association. They observe that these activities pose a significant risk of altering the landscape and causing severe soil disturbance.

Inclusion of Experts in Evaluation

To address these issues, the architects underscore the importance of involving specialized consultants and experts. These professionals should play a pivotal role in the evaluation and planning of any works carried out in the region, ensuring that environmental considerations are at the forefront.

Statements from a Former Advisor

These concerns are echoed by Klitos Papastylianou, a former scientific advisor for the Akamas special environmental assessment. In his statement, Papastylianou warned of the dire consequences of inaction, including soil erosion and the irreversible degradation of habitats. He also brought to light the substantial ecological and financial repercussions already stemming from deviations in the planned roadworks.

Construction on Hold

The construction activities in Akamas have been temporarily suspended by the contracting firm, Cyfield. This pause is in place while the pressing issues related to the construction are being addressed, reflecting a commitment to finding a resolution that considers the well-being of Akamas’s natural environment.

About the Writer

Tom Cleaver, an award-winning journalist who joined the team in 2023, is recognized for his multilingual proficiency and his dedication as a football fan. His passion for travel reflects in his vivid reporting and engagement with diverse cultures.

By ensuring that a strategic and considerate approach is taken in the development of the Akamas region, the Cyprus Architects’ Association and supporting experts like Papastylianou hope to preserve the unique environmental heritage of Cyprus for future generations. This call for action underscores the delicate balance that must be achieved between development and conservation, a sentiment that resonates deeply within the community and amongst all those who value the natural beauty of Akamas.

Quick Recap

  • The Cyprus Architects’ Association urgently calls for a re-evaluation of construction projects in Akamas, advocating for sustainable development that preserves the area’s ecology.
  • A unified, transparent plan involving experts is recommended to guide development while protecting the region’s natural biodiversity and preventing environmental impacts.
  • Former scientific advisor Klitos Papastylianou warns of dire consequences if action is not taken to address soil erosion and irreversible degradation of habitats.
  • Construction activities in Akamas have been temporarily suspended to address these pressing issues.
  • The architects emphasize the importance of involving specialized consultants and experts in the evaluation and planning of works in the region.

About The Author

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