
Rise in Crime Per Capita for Two Consecutive Years in Cyprus

crime cyprus

Crime per capita in Cyprus has surged for the second consecutive year, with a crime index of 584 in 2022 compared to 501 in 2021. Property offences dominate the statistics, with over 800 more serious offences reported in 2022 than the previous year.

What is the trend in crime per capita in Cyprus over recent years?

Crime per capita in Cyprus has increased for the second consecutive year, with the crime index rising to 584 in 2022 from 501 in 2021. Property offences are the most prevalent, and the majority of offenders are Cypriot natural persons. Serious offences reported in 2022 exceeded those in 2021 by over 800 cases.

Crime per capita in Cyprus has shown an upward trend for the second year running. The police’s annual statistics report highlighted a concerning rise in criminal activity on the island nation. With a crime index—a measure of the number of verified serious offences per 100,000 inhabitants—standing at 584 in 2022, there has been a sharp increase from the 501 figure in 2021 and the 482 recorded in 2020.

The raw numbers are equally troubling, with 5,402 serious offences reported to the police last year. Out of these, 5,332 were confirmed genuine, marking an increase of over 800 compared to the 4,580 reported offences in 2021, of which 4,512 were authentic.

Property Offences Leading the Crime Statistics

When dissecting the types of crimes committed, property offences emerged as the most prevalent, making up a significant portion of crimes in both 2022 and 2021. Specifically, they accounted for 39.8% and 37.5% of all serious offences in these years, respectively. The high percentage of property crimes reflects broader trends seen in many other regions, where theft, burglary, and vandalism are commonly reported.

Crimes deemed “injurious to the public in general,” which can include various public order offences, were the second most frequent type of crime, with their percentages hovering around 19.4% in 2022 and 19.5% in 2021. This category can encompass a range of infractions, from disorderly conduct to more severe offences that threaten the safety and well-being of the community.

Victim and Offender Profiles

The report also shed light on the victims and offenders involved in these crimes. Of the 5,332 verified cases in 2022, there were 4,868 victims, with 1,053 being legal entities and the remainder being natural persons. A significant 78.3% of these natural persons were citizens of the Republic of Cyprus, while the rest were either from other EU states or third countries.

In terms of offenders, 6,917 individuals were convicted for serious offences in 2022, with the overwhelming majority being natural persons. Notably, only 14% of these offenders were female, indicating a much lower involvement of women in serious criminal activity compared to men. The majority of offenders were citizens of the Republic of Cyprus, though they constituted a smaller percentage than they did among victims.

Trends Amongst Juvenile Delinquents and Sentencing

Juvenile delinquency also featured in the report. In 2022, Cyprus had 713 convicted juvenile delinquents, with just over half being Cypriots. Interestingly, the proportion of girls in this group was low, at just 8.4%.

In terms of sentencing, the majority received 18 months or less, with the median sentence length being 9.6 months. However, the actual time served tended to be lower, with the median stay in prison lasting only about 4.1 months. This discrepancy between sentencing and time served could be due to several factors, including parole, good behavior, or other mitigating circumstances that can lead to early release.

How has the trend in crime per capita in Cyprus been evolving in recent years?

Crime per capita in Cyprus has shown an upward trend for the second year in a row, with the crime index rising to 584 in 2022 from 501 in 2021. Property offences are the most prevalent, and the majority of offenders are Cypriot natural persons. Serious offences reported in 2022 exceeded those in 2021 by over 800 cases.

What types of crimes dominate the crime statistics in Cyprus?

Property offences are the most prevalent in Cyprus, accounting for 39.8% of all serious offences in 2022 and 37.5% in 2021. “Injurious to the public in general” crimes, which include public order offences, were the second most frequent type of crime in both years, making up around 19.4% of total offences.

Who are the victims and offenders in the reported crimes in Cyprus?

In 2022, out of 5,332 verified cases, there were 4,868 victims, with 1,053 being legal entities and the rest natural persons. A majority of natural person victims were citizens of Cyprus. In terms of offenders, 6,917 individuals were convicted for serious offences in 2022, with a majority being natural persons and only 14% being female.

What trends were observed among juvenile delinquents and sentencing in Cyprus?

Cyprus had 713 convicted juvenile delinquents in 2022, with just over half being Cypriots. The majority of juvenile delinquents received sentences of 18 months or less, with a median sentence length of 9.6 months. However, the actual time served tended to be lower, with a median stay in prison lasting about 4.1 months, potentially due to factors like parole or good behavior leading to early release.

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