
Rising COVID-19 Cases in Cyprus as Holidays Approach

covid-19 infections vaccination

COVID-19 cases are rising in Cyprus as the holidays approach, primarily due to increased social gatherings in enclosed spaces. Although hospital admissions are currently low, the medical services director emphasizes the need for vaccination and personal safety measures to prevent further transmission during the festive season.

Why are COVID-19 cases rising in Cyprus as the holidays approach?

COVID-19 cases in Cyprus are rising due to increased social gatherings during the holiday season, especially in enclosed spaces. Elisavet Constantinou, the medical services director, emphasizes the change in social behavior as a key factor in the transmission spike. Despite the rise in cases, hospital admissions remain low, suggesting a currently milder impact on the healthcare system.

A Noticeable Increase in Infections

As the festive season draws near, Cyprus reports a concerning uptick in COVID-19 infections. Elisavet Constantinou, the medical services director, has indicated a noticeable rise in cases since the early days of December. This surge, according to Constantinou’s report to the press, has not yet translated into a proportional increase in hospital admissions which might suggest a less severe impact on the healthcare system at this stage. Between December 1 and December 7, there were 1,538 confirmed cases, with 32 individuals requiring hospital care within the same timeframe.

Constantinou attributes this escalation in cases to a change in social behavior. As people gather more frequently, often in enclosed spaces to celebrate, the risk of transmission climbs. Traditionally, holiday merriments have been accompanied by a rise in respiratory infections, and this year seems to be following the trend.

Calls for Vaccination and Personal Safety Measures

In light of the recent spike, Constantinou has stressed the importance of vaccination. She notes a concerningly low number of fresh vaccinations this autumn, with only 18,000 people having received their doses. In an attempt to mitigate the spread, Constantinou is urging everyone, and especially those with respiratory symptoms, to self-isolate and wear masks when venturing out from their homes.

While no new COVID-19 variants have been identified in Cyprus to date, the medical services director insists on the continued observance of personal protection measures. Maintaining basic precautions can play a critical role in preventing further transmission during festivities.

Preparing for the Holidays Amidst the Pandemic

The authorities are preparing for the holiday season with a heightened sense of vigilance. The public health messages are clear: maintain social distancing, practice good hand hygiene, and wear masks in crowded settings. These measures are more important than ever as activities increase and people are inclined to let down their guard in the spirit of celebration.

Citizens are also reminded of the availability of vaccines and the importance of receiving them to not only protect themselves but also to safeguard the community at large. The government’s focus remains on keeping the healthcare system from being overwhelmed and ensuring that the festive season does not lead to a severe outbreak.


The current situation presents a complex challenge as the country balances the festive cheer with public health concerns. It is a reminder that even as we edge closer to what we hope will be the end of the pandemic, vigilance and personal responsibility remain crucial in the fight against COVID-19.

Why are COVID-19 cases rising in Cyprus as the holidays approach?

COVID-19 cases in Cyprus are rising due to increased social gatherings during the holiday season, especially in enclosed spaces. Elisavet Constantinou, the medical services director, emphasizes the change in social behavior as a key factor in the transmission spike. Despite the rise in cases, hospital admissions remain low, suggesting a currently milder impact on the healthcare system.

How much has the COVID-19 infection rate increased in Cyprus recently?

There has been a noticeable increase in COVID-19 infections in Cyprus as the festive season approaches. Between December 1 and December 7, there were 1,538 confirmed cases, with 32 individuals requiring hospital care within the same timeframe. Although the rise in cases is concerning, the impact on the healthcare system has not yet been severe.

What measures are being emphasized to prevent further transmission during the holidays?

The medical services director, Elisavet Constantinou, is stressing the importance of vaccination and personal safety measures to prevent further transmission during the festive season. She has expressed concern over the low number of fresh vaccinations and is urging everyone, especially those with respiratory symptoms, to self-isolate and wear masks when going out. Basic precautions, such as maintaining social distancing and practicing good hand hygiene, are also essential.

How is the government preparing for the holiday season amidst the pandemic?

The authorities in Cyprus are preparing for the holiday season with a heightened sense of vigilance. Public health messages are emphasizing the importance of maintaining social distancing, practicing good hand hygiene, and wearing masks in crowded settings. The availability of vaccines is being promoted, and the government’s focus is on preventing the healthcare system from being overwhelmed and avoiding a severe outbreak during the festive season.

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