
Cyprus Business Now

real estate tech

Average apartment values across different districts in Cyprus vary, with Limassol leading at €208,220 and Famagusta at €105,182. The real estate market in Cyprus offers diverse investment opportunities, reflecting a dynamic property landscape with distinct regional characteristics.

What are the average apartment values across different districts in Cyprus?

  • Limassol: €208,220
  • Nicosia: €131,841
  • Larnaca: €116,914
  • Paphos: €107,175
  • Famagusta: €105,182

The Cyprus real estate market showcases a range of property values catering to diverse demographics and investment levels, reflecting robust investment opportunities.

Cyprus Real Estate Market Insights

The Cyprus Real Estate Agents Registration Council provided a comprehensive update on the property landscape during Q1 of 2024. With data sourced from the Department of Lands and Surveys, their analysis offers a window into the Cyprus real estate market’s current state. Across the nation, there were 421 apartment transactions, with Nicosia witnessing the highest activity. However, when it came to the value of these properties, Limassol took the lead with an average apartment price of €208,220, showcasing the district’s premium market status. These figures paint a picture of a diverse and dynamic property market, with distinct regional characteristics.

Following Limassol, the average apartment values in other districts were as follows: Nicosia at €131,841, Larnaca at €116,914, Paphos at €107,175, and Famagusta at €105,182. This range of property values indicates a varied market that caters to different demographics and investment levels, suggesting robust investment opportunities.

A Tech Giant’s Leap Forward

In the world of finance and technology, Cyprus-based made headlines with its monumental trading volume that crossed the $1.2 trillion threshold in 2023. This 53% surge from the previous year’s figures is a testament to the company’s resilience and innovation, especially notable considering the challenges in the wider market. Since its establishment in 2016, has marked a significant milestone in its journey, reflecting the growing confidence of clients in the platform.’s remarkable growth trajectory can also be seen as an indicator of the increasing popularity of online trading platforms and fintech solutions, which are revolutionizing how individuals and businesses approach investments and financial transactions.

Enhancing Education Through Internships

In a move to bolster the link between academia and industry, the Research and Innovation Foundation (Idek) announced a list of 61 companies offering internship opportunities. Spanning from June to September 2024, these six-week internships will be available to a wide range of students, including international candidates. By opening the doors for undergraduate and postgraduate students alike, irrespective of their study year, Idek is fostering a practical learning environment that prepares the youth for the professional world.

These internships are a crucial step in providing real-world experience and enhancing the employability of students in various fields. They signify a collaborative effort to bridge the gap between education and the evolving needs of the industry.

Addressing Unemployment and Economic Indicators

A strengthening domestic labour market was signaled by the Cyprus Statistical Service (Cystat), which reported a significant reduction in unemployment for April 2024. With registered unemployed persons falling to 9,343, the trend suggests an encouraging year-over-year improvement. Seasonally adjusted data offers additional positive news, with a decrease from 11,182 in March to 10,880 in April. These numbers reflect an economy gaining momentum and a job market that is becoming increasingly robust.

Simultaneously, the Cyprus Union of Shipowners announced a generous €300,000 food donation to support the Amalthea initiative, demonstrating social responsibility and solidarity with those in need. Such philanthropic actions not only provide immediate relief but also strengthen the social fabric of the communities involved.

Stability in the Bond Market Amid Fiscal Policies

In the financial sector, the European Central Bank (ECB) maintained its steady stance on Cypriot bonds, with the value held by the Eurosystem unchanged at €6.76 billion at April’s end. This steadiness is part of the ECB’s broader strategy to tackle inflation through a restrictive policy. The PSPP and PEPP programs, holding 29% of the nation’s general government debt, are critical components of this financial architecture.

As Cyprus navigates these fiscal measures, the stability of bond valuation—€4.29 billion in PSPP holdings without change—suggests a balanced approach to debt management and monetary policy. Such fiscal prudence is essential for maintaining investor confidence and ensuring long-term economic stability.

Cyprus Stock Exchange Shows Optimism

On a positive note, the Cyprus Stock Exchange ended a trading day with profits, with the general index rising by 1.5% and the FTSE/CySE 20 Index up by 1.63%. The trading volume amounted to €1,154,491, signaling investor confidence and market vitality. Sub-indexes showed mixed results, but the overall upward trend highlights the potential for growth and investment opportunities within the Cypriot economy.

This optimism in the stock market could be indicative of broader economic health and investor sentiment, potentially paving the way for further economic development in the region.

What are the average apartment values across different districts in Cyprus?

  • Limassol: €208,220
  • Nicosia: €131,841
  • Larnaca: €116,914
  • Paphos: €107,175
  • Famagusta: €105,182

The Cyprus real estate market showcases a range of property values catering to diverse demographics and investment levels, reflecting robust investment opportunities.

What was the trading volume milestone achieved by Cyprus-based in 2023?

Cyprus-based achieved a monumental trading volume milestone, crossing the $1.2 trillion threshold in 2023. This significant growth is a testament to the company’s innovation and resilience in the finance and technology sector.

How is the Cyprus Real Estate Agents Registration Council contributing to insights into the property market?

The Cyprus Real Estate Agents Registration Council provided a comprehensive update on the property landscape during Q1 of 2024. Utilizing data from the Department of Lands and Surveys, their analysis offers valuable insights into the current state of the Cyprus real estate market, highlighting the diverse and dynamic property landscape with distinct regional characteristics.

What steps are being taken to enhance the link between academia and industry in Cyprus?

The Research and Innovation Foundation (Idek) announced a list of 61 companies offering internship opportunities from June to September 2024. These internships are designed to provide practical learning experiences for undergraduate and postgraduate students, bridging the gap between education and industry needs to enhance their employability.

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