
An Overview of the Cyprus Police’s Response to the Auditor General’s Report

transparency accountability

In response to the Auditor General’s report, the Cyprus Police have issued a statement addressing various concerns raised. They have emphasized the importance of confidentiality in sensitive security matters, clarified the legality of Police Regulations, upheld non-disclosure policies, reviewed traffic collision procedures, initiated criminal proceedings for traffic law violations by government vehicles, complied with requests for extrajudicial fines, ensured the confidentiality of firearms permits, addressed concerns about ammunition storage and safety, and committed to implementing the report’s recommendations.

How has the Cyprus Police responded to the Auditor General’s report?

In response to the Auditor General’s report, the Cyprus Police issued a statement emphasizing their commitment to transparency and legality. They clarified the legality of Police Regulations, upheld non-disclosure of sensitive information, addressed traffic collision procedures, and initiated criminal proceedings for traffic law violations by government vehicles. They’ve adhered to data protection laws when handling extrajudicial fines and ensured the confidentiality of firearms permits, while also stressing the safe disposal of unsuitable ammunition. The Police are reviewing and implementing the report’s recommendations.

The Cyprus Police has issued a statement in response to the findings of the Audit Office’s report. This statement aims to shed light on several key matters raised by the report and to uphold the principles of transparency, accountability, and the commitment to legality, security, and equality in the country.

Clarification on Sensitive Matters and Security Protocols

The Police emphasize the critical importance of maintaining the confidentiality of sensitive security matters. The Chief of Police, in his correspondence with the Audit Office, highlights that it would be improper to publicize issues that could compromise security. Such issues include the transportation of the President’s children in police vehicles, which is permissible under Police Regulations designed to ensure the protection of individuals at risk.

Legal Standing of Police Regulations

The statement asserts the legality of Police Regulations, referencing the Supreme Court’s case law which equates them with Regulatory Administrative Acts. It is explicitly noted that the Audit Office’s report does not support any claims of an abuse of power with respect to these regulations.

Non-disclosure Policy

The Cyprus Police maintains a strict policy concerning the non-disclosure of sensitive information, particularly details that pertain to the security of individuals. Efforts to communicate these security protocols were made through a proposed meeting with Audit Office officials, which did not occur due to an absence of response.

Traffic Collision Assessments and Vehicle Repairs

In addressing concerns regarding police vehicle accidents, the statement clarifies that most incidents were the result of common driving errors, not reckless or dangerous behavior. Such incidents were processed through the Traffic Department Headquarters and, where necessary, reviewed by the Legal Service for further action.

Photo Enforcement System and Government Service Vehicles

The Police have initiated criminal proceedings through the Photo Enforcement Officer in cases where government service vehicles, including police, violated traffic laws.

Handling of Extrajudicial Fines and Compliance

The Cyprus Police has complied with all requests from the Audit Office concerning extrajudicial fines and warrants. Adherence to Personal Data Protection legislation was cited as the reason for initially withholding personal information. However, a revised request was accommodated with anonymized data.

Firearms Permit Confidentiality

Due to public order and safety considerations, the personal details of civilian firearms permit holders remain confidential. The Police offered alternative means to satisfy the Auditor General’s inquiry without disclosing personal information, though this offer received no response.

Ammunition Storage and Safety Protocols

The statement addresses the concerns about the storage of unsuitable ammunition, emphasizing that it was destroyed per established protocols. The Explosives Branch, skilled in managing such materials, ensures the safe handling, storage, and disposal of armaments and ammunition.

Commitment to Cooperation and Corrective Measures

Finally, the Police reaffirm their dedication to cooperating with the Audit Office, taking into account legislative compliance and the implementation of recommended changes. The recent report’s recommendations are being thoroughly reviewed, and appropriate corrective actions are being undertaken when necessary.

Throughout the statement, the Cyprus Police asserts their steadfast commitment to the rule of law and the safety of the public, reinforcing their role as protectors and upholders of the country’s security and legal integrity.

The Cyprus Police responded to a report from the Auditor General by issuing a statement. They addressed concerns raised in the report and emphasized the importance of confidentiality in security matters. They clarified the legality of their regulations, upheld non-disclosure policies, reviewed procedures for traffic accidents, and took action against traffic violations by government vehicles. They complied with requests for fines, ensured the confidentiality of firearms permits, addressed concerns about ammunition storage, and committed to implementing the report’s recommendations. Overall, they emphasized their commitment to transparency, legality, and the safety of the public.

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