
Growing Frustration in Cyprus, UN Secretary-General Guterres Reports

un cyprus

UN Secretary-General Guterres reports growing frustration in Cyprus due to the stagnant status quo, emphasizing the need for progress in negotiations for a peaceful future. Empowering technical committees and promoting cross-community engagement are vital steps in building trust and finding consensus, according to the UN’s Good Offices mission.

Why is there growing frustration in Cyprus according to UN Secretary-General Guterres?

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres reports a growing frustration in Cyprus due to the stalemate status quo. The UN’s Good Offices mission highlights the urgent need for progress in negotiations for a peaceful future. Empowering technical committees and promoting cross-community engagement are pivotal steps in building trust and finding a consensus.

UN’s Good Offices Mission Reflects Cypriot Sentiments

Amid the picturesque landscapes and rich history of Cyprus, a sense of discontent brews across the island. According to a report from the United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, there’s a palpable feeling of frustration due to the enduring status quo. The findings, revealed in an advance copy of his latest Good Offices mission report, emphasize the critical need for genuine progress towards a consensus starting point for negotiations. It’s believed that such advancements will assure both the Cypriots and the international community that a peaceful and shared future is still within reach.

Guterres notes that the year 2024 has been marked by a growing impatience with the stalemate situation. The increasing calls from various island communities for a constructive approach to find a mutually acceptable path forward are becoming louder. The UN pledges continued support for all Cypriots in facilitating dialogue to overcome these challenges.

Technical Committees: A Beacon of Hope

The Secretary-General commended the recent revitalization of the technical committees, which serve as platforms for cooperation between the communities on the island. These committees, covering a range of issues such as broadcasting, crime, cultural affairs, environmental concerns, and health, have seen a resumption of meetings and discussions. Particularly noteworthy is the reactivation of some that had previously been dormant, which has led to the approval and completion of several projects.

Guterres expressed optimism regarding the regular meetings of the Technical Committee on Education, which offer a glimmer of hope that the recommendations from its 2017 joint report will be considered and relevant projects will be carried out as endorsed by the Security Council. Empowering these committees is seen as a crucial step forward, and the Secretary-General encourages increased involvement from women and youth to breathe new life into their work. He stresses that these bodies, designed for addressing common issues, must remain shielded from the broader political dialogues.

EU Support and Cross-Community Projects

In his appeal to Cypriot leaders and representatives, Guterres emphasizes the importance of utilizing EU support through the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) effectively for the betterment of all Cypriots’ daily lives. He also suggests that the European Union consider extending the availability of resources for future projects. The proposed renewable solar energy power plant in the buffer zone, for example, offers substantial prospects for uniting the two sides and reaping tangible benefits for the entire community, contingent upon a mutually acceptable agreement.

Furthering cross-community ties, the project to extend the Pedieos/Kanlı Dere river path into north Nicosia is highlighted for its substantial potential to bring people together and foster trust. With an agreement between the sides to progress the project, Guterres urges both existing and potential funders to advance support urgently.

Confidence-Building and Civil Society Engagement

The Secretary-General calls on Cypriot leaders to discuss, agree upon, and implement confidence-building measures that nurture trust and cultivate a more conducive atmosphere for a settlement. Reiterating the Security Council’s call for more significant engagement with civil society, Guterres encourages the two leaders to promote contact and collaboration between the communities.

He also suggests the exploration of sports cooperation as a means of uniting young people and facilitating interaction between the communities. The formation of a technical committee around sports remains a promising proposal. On the trade front, there has been an observed uptick in public events and official interactions, aiming to serve as catalysts for conveying the message that expanded trade and business links, along with the necessary infrastructure and supportive conditions, can enhance confidence in a settlement.

In closing, Guterres commends the efforts of Greece and Turkey in their commitment to fostering peaceful neighborly relations and encourages the guarantor powers, including the United Kingdom, to support dialogue between the leaders in Cyprus in their quest for a mutually acceptable path forward.

Why is there growing frustration in Cyprus according to UN Secretary-General Guterres?

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres reports a growing frustration in Cyprus due to the stalemate status quo. The UN’s Good Offices mission highlights the urgent need for progress in negotiations for a peaceful future. Empowering technical committees and promoting cross-community engagement are pivotal steps in building trust and finding a consensus.

How are technical committees contributing to the situation in Cyprus?

The revitalization of technical committees in Cyprus is seen as a beacon of hope for cooperation between communities on the island. These committees cover various issues and have resumed meetings and discussions, leading to the approval and completion of several projects. Empowering these committees is crucial for progress, and the involvement of women and youth is encouraged to breathe new life into their work.

How is the EU supporting efforts in Cyprus?

UN Secretary-General Guterres emphasizes the importance of utilizing EU support through the UNDP effectively for the betterment of daily lives in Cyprus. He suggests extending resources for future projects, such as the proposed renewable solar energy power plant in the buffer zone. Additionally, cross-community projects like extending the Pedieos/Kanlı Dere river path aim to bring people together and foster trust.

What measures are being suggested to build confidence and engage civil society in Cyprus?

To foster trust and create a conducive atmosphere for a settlement, Guterres calls for the implementation of confidence-building measures by Cypriot leaders. He encourages greater engagement with civil society and proposes exploring sports cooperation to unite young people. Public events and official interactions are increasing to enhance confidence in a settlement through expanded trade and business links.

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