
Unions Raise Alarm Over North Airport Electrical Explosions

electrical safety risk management

Trade unions have raised concerns over electrical safety at Ercan Airport due to recent explosions. The lack of a regular current system and the need for qualified personnel to handle equipment have been highlighted as key issues that need urgent attention to ensure the safety of employees and passengers.

What are the concerns raised about electrical safety at Ercan Airport?

Recent electrical explosions at Ercan Airport have raised serious safety concerns. Trade unions have highlighted the risks associated with the airport’s reliance on transient current, the lack of a regular current system despite the airport being operational for nine months, and the necessity for qualified personnel to handle such equipment. Immediate action is required to address these issues to ensure the safety of employees and passengers.

Recent Incidents at Ercan Airport

Concerns have been raised by trade unions following two electrical explosions at Ercan (Tymbou) airport. These incidents, occurring within a short time span, have highlighted potential safety risks at the facility. On March 13, during unauthorised work on an electrical panel, a subcontracted worker sustained burns on his arms. In the aftermath of the event, Ahmet Tugcu, the chairman of the El-Sen union, which is linked with the north’s electricity authority Kib-Tek, voiced his apprehensions about the airport’s electrical safety standards.

Then, on March 29, another subcontracted worker was involved in an explosion while trying to connect a generator to a transformer without Kib-Tek’s knowledge. Although this second worker escaped uninjured, the incidents have sparked a debate over the current electrical infrastructure and the airport’s management practices.

Electrical Safety Concerns

The root of the danger, according to Tugcu, lies in the airport’s reliance on a transient current. This inconsistency in the electrical supply poses a high risk of accidents. Despite the airport being operational for nine months, questions are being raised as to why there has been no switch to a regular current system. Tugcu criticized the government’s oversight and the airport operator T&T’s practices, suggesting that they are fully aware that such equipment should only be handled by qualified Kib-Tek personnel.

The urgency of the situation has not been understated, with Tugcu stressing the immediate need for change. He has made it clear that unless swift action is taken to resolve the electrical issues, the responsibility for any future accidents will fall squarely on the shoulders of T&T. Highlighting the gravity of the situation, he pointed out that the safety of employees and passengers trumps any financial gains from hastening operations.

Risk Management and Accountability

In light of these events, Cem Kapisiz, the air traffic controllers’ union chairman, has also spoken out. He revealed that the information regarding the first explosion was not made public, raising issues about transparency and accountability within the airport’s administration. Concerns were directed at ‘transport minister’ Erhan Arikli, with Kapisiz questioning the minister’s awareness and responsibility for electrical safety at the airport.

Kapisiz’s concerns suggest a broader issue of potential hazards not just to employees but also to passengers. The increased risk of fire is just one of the consequences of not meeting the requisite electrical checks. These recent incidents necessitate a thorough evaluation of the airport’s safety protocols and an immediate response to rectify any deficiencies in the electrical system.

In conclusion, these alarming events at Ercan Airport have put a spotlight on the importance of adhering to electrical safety standards and regulations. It is imperative that authorities and operators take the necessary steps to ensure the wellbeing of all individuals at the airport and maintain trust in the infrastructure that supports it.

What are the concerns raised about electrical safety at Ercan Airport?

Recent electrical explosions at Ercan Airport have raised serious safety concerns. Trade unions have highlighted the risks associated with the airport’s reliance on transient current, the lack of a regular current system despite the airport being operational for nine months, and the necessity for qualified personnel to handle such equipment. Immediate action is required to address these issues to ensure the safety of employees and passengers.

What recent incidents have occurred at Ercan Airport?

Two electrical explosions have occurred at Ercan Airport, raising concerns about safety. The first incident on March 13 resulted in a subcontracted worker sustaining burns on his arms while working on an electrical panel. The second incident on March 29 involved another subcontracted worker connecting a generator to a transformer without proper authorization, resulting in an explosion. These incidents have highlighted potential safety risks at the airport.

What is the root cause of the safety concerns at Ercan Airport?

According to trade unions, the root cause of the safety concerns at Ercan Airport is the reliance on a transient current system. This inconsistency in the electrical supply poses a high risk of accidents. Despite the airport being operational for nine months, there has been no switch to a regular current system. Qualified personnel from Kib-Tek are necessary to handle such equipment safely.

Who has spoken out about the recent incidents at Ercan Airport?

Cem Kapisiz, the air traffic controllers’ union chairman, has also raised concerns about the recent incidents at Ercan Airport. He highlighted issues of transparency and accountability within the airport’s administration, questioning the responsibility of the transport minister and the airport operator T&T for ensuring electrical safety. These incidents have brought to light the importance of evaluating safety protocols and addressing deficiencies in the electrical system promptly.

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