
Social Workers Demand Return of Seconded Colleagues

social workers essential services

Social workers have suspended their on-call service to demand the return of seconded colleagues, halting crucial emergency assistance. The standoff underscores the vital role of social workers in protecting vulnerable individuals and the need to ensure staffing levels meet urgent community needs.

Why have social workers suspended their on-call service?

Social workers have suspended their on-call service to demand the reinstatement of colleagues seconded to other departments. They insist that the service, which is essential for urgent assistance in emergencies like child abuse, will not resume until all seconded social workers return and additional staffing needs are met.

Standstill in Essential Services

Social workers have made a decisive move by indefinitely suspending their on-call service. This crucial service will remain inactive, they assert, until every social worker who has been seconded to work in other government departments is reinstated in their original positions. The announcement came as a surprise on Friday, with the social workers determined to see their demands met.

The backbone of many community support systems, social workers play a vital role in ensuring the welfare of the most vulnerable. Their on-call service is particularly critical as it provides immediate assistance to those in urgent need. With the suspension, concerns arise about the potential impact on individuals and families who rely on these services.

Recruitment and Dispute

Konstantinos Kambourakos, representing the social workers under trade union Pasydy, aired grievances on a local radio station. He emphasized that the secondment of 10 social workers has left a significant gap in the service’s operations. Furthermore, he contends that to meet the current demands effectively, the service is in desperate need of an additional 125 new hires.

Contradicting Kambourakos’ statements, the Director-general of the social welfare deputy ministry, Yiannis Nicolaides, provided different figures. According to him, only five social workers have been seconded. He also highlighted the gravity of the on-call service, likening it to “first aid” for the social service sector. Nicolaides pointed out the risks of the suspension, particularly in emergency situations where immediate intervention is necessary, such as instances of child abuse.

The Importance of On-Call Services

The on-call service of social workers often stands as a lifeline for those in crisis. It acts as the front line of response for a myriad of social emergencies. Without it, many may find themselves without the support and immediate care they require. This fundamental service can mean the difference between timely intervention and prolonged suffering for individuals facing abuse or other critical issues.

Nicolaides disclosed that the government is addressing some of the department’s staffing needs by filling 20 open positions. He also urged the social workers to explore alternative forms of protest that would not disrupt such a vital service. His plea underscored the importance of maintaining the on-call service for the well-being of the community.

Looking Forward

As the standoff between social workers and the government continues, the community watches on with concern. The resolution of this issue could set a significant precedent for how essential services are maintained and how worker disputes are managed. Stakeholders hope for a swift resolution, one that balances the needs and rights of the social workers with the urgent needs of those they serve.

Why have social workers suspended their on-call service?

Social workers have suspended their on-call service to demand the reinstatement of colleagues seconded to other departments. They insist that the service, which is essential for urgent assistance in emergencies like child abuse, will not resume until all seconded social workers return and additional staffing needs are met.

How critical is the on-call service provided by social workers?

The on-call service of social workers is crucial as it serves as the front line of response for various social emergencies. It acts as a lifeline for individuals in crisis, providing immediate assistance to those in urgent need. Without this service, many vulnerable individuals may not receive the timely intervention and care they require.

What is the current recruitment situation and dispute regarding staffing levels?

There is a dispute between social workers represented by trade union Pasydy and the Director-general of the social welfare deputy ministry regarding staffing levels. The union claims that 10 social workers have been seconded, leaving a significant gap in operations, while the ministry director asserts that only five have been seconded. The union emphasizes the need for an additional 125 new hires to effectively meet current demands.

What steps are being taken to address the staffing needs and potential impact of the service suspension?

The government is addressing some of the department’s staffing needs by filling 20 open positions. The Director-general of the social welfare deputy ministry has urged social workers to explore alternative forms of protest that would not disrupt the vital on-call service. The potential impact of the service suspension on emergency situations, such as instances of child abuse, has been highlighted as a concern.

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