
Exorbitant Property Prices Steering Foreign Investment Northward

real estate market foreign investment

The real estate market in Cyprus is experiencing a shift as foreign investors are turning their attention to the northern occupied territories where property prices are more affordable. Despite ongoing conflicts in the region, cost considerations are outweighing geopolitical concerns for many buyers, leading to a redirection of foreign investment and the need for the government to address the issue to sustain the market’s growth.

What is causing the shift in foreign real estate investment to northern Cyprus?

Foreign investors in Cyprus are shifting towards the northern occupied territories for real estate due to significantly lower property prices compared to the Republic-controlled areas. This trend persists despite regional conflicts, indicating that cost considerations are a stronger factor for buyers than geopolitical risks.

Cyprus Real Estate Market Trends

The real estate landscape in Cyprus is undergoing a noticeable shift as foreign investors are increasingly turning their attention to the northern occupied territories, driven primarily by the more affordable property prices in the area. This trend is occurring despite the ongoing conflict in the region, suggesting that cost considerations are outweighing geopolitical concerns for many buyers.

Marinos Kineyirou, President of the Cyprus Real Estate Agents Council, points out that the influx of foreign buyers over the past few years has been pivotal in sustaining the Cypriot property market, particularly in the aftermath of the global Covid-19 pandemic. The health crisis had plunged the market into a deep state of uncertainty, but foreign interest has reignited momentum, playing a critical role in the market’s resurgence.

The Shift in Buyer Interest

In a detailed analysis of property sales over the nine-month period of 2023, Kineyirou has observed a consistent rise in transactions within Cyprus. However, recent signs of stagnation are emerging across cities and districts under the jurisdiction of the Republic of Cyprus. Although some speculate that the conflict in neighboring Israel could be a contributing factor to this slowdown, Kineyirou emphasizes that the primary deterrent is the high property prices, which are curbing enthusiasm among both domestic and foreign investors.

Contrary to some opinions that attribute market stagnation to external conflicts affecting Israeli and Lebanese buyers, Kineyirou argues that these are convenient scapegoats rather than the real issue at hand. The reality, he suggests, is that the steep property prices have significantly dampened buyer interest.

Redirected Focus to Occupied Territories

The high costs in the Republic-controlled areas have led to a notable shift, with foreign buyers, including Israelis and Lebanese, investing in properties beyond the Green Line in the occupied territories. This redirection of interest is evident in targeted advertising campaigns across Turkish Cypriot media, which are specifically aimed at these foreign markets.

Kineyirou goes on to say that there are different ways to interpret this phenomenon: one is to willfully ignore it, while the other is pragmatic acknowledgment. The Cypriot real estate sector faces a choice—either to continue downplaying the issue or to confront the reality of inflated prices driving away potential foreign investment.

Governmental Role and Future Outlook

The Council President underscores the critical role of the government in addressing this trend. He urges property owners to face the situation without evasion to prevent any adverse impact on the market. By tackling the issue directly and possibly recalibrating property selling prices, the hope is to retain and attract foreign property buyers to the Republic’s territories and avoid future crises.

The challenge now lies in striking a balance that can sustain the real estate market’s growth while remaining appealing to a diverse range of investors. The responsible stakeholders are called upon to make strategic decisions that will shape the future of Cyprus’s property market.

1. What is causing the shift in foreign real estate investment to northern Cyprus?

Foreign investors in Cyprus are shifting towards the northern occupied territories for real estate due to significantly lower property prices compared to the Republic-controlled areas. This trend persists despite regional conflicts, indicating that cost considerations are a stronger factor for buyers than geopolitical risks.

2. Why are property prices in the northern occupied territories more affordable?

Property prices in the northern occupied territories of Cyprus are more affordable compared to the Republic-controlled areas due to various factors, including the ongoing conflicts in the region. Additionally, targeted advertising campaigns in Turkish Cypriot media have attracted foreign buyers, including Israelis and Lebanese, to invest in these territories.

3. How has the government responded to the shift in foreign real estate investment?

The government plays a critical role in addressing the shift in foreign real estate investment. The Council President urges property owners to confront the reality of inflated prices and consider recalibrating property selling prices to retain and attract foreign property buyers. By taking proactive measures, the government aims to sustain the growth of the real estate market and avoid future crises.

4. What challenges does the Cyprus real estate market face in the future?

The Cyprus real estate market faces the challenge of striking a balance that can sustain its growth while remaining appealing to a diverse range of investors. Responsible stakeholders are called upon to make strategic decisions that will shape the future of the market. Additionally, the market should address the high property prices and consider the impact of geopolitical concerns on buyer interest.

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