
Enhanced Support for Rare Disease Patients Through National Health Scheme

healthcare rare diseases

In a groundbreaking move to support rare disease patients, the government has expanded Gesy with specialized clinics, more professionals, and international treatment options. With a focus on holistic care and cutting-edge prenatal screening, this initiative marks a significant step forward in healthcare for those affected by rare conditions.

What new support is being provided for rare disease patients under the national health scheme?

The government has expanded Gesy to offer better support for rare disease patients, including:

  1. Specialized clinics and scientific centers for advanced care.
  2. More healthcare professionals specializing in rare diseases.
  3. Enhanced prenatal and neonatal screening programs.
  4. Access to international treatment options.
  5. Patient-centered, holistic healthcare approaches.

In a significant move to bolster healthcare services, the government has announced an expansion of support for individuals with rare diseases under the national health scheme, Gesy. Health Minister Michael Damianos, speaking on Rare Diseases Day, emphasized the government’s commitment to enriching and enhancing the medical care available to those affected by rare conditions.

Upgrading Diagnostic and Therapeutic Services

Gesy aims to strengthen its diagnostic, preventive, and therapeutic services for rare diseases. These enhancements are planned through the establishment of specialized clinics and scientific centers that span both public and private sectors, offering advanced care options for patients. The focus is not solely on the expansion of services but also on the quality and accessibility of care for those in need.

In conjunction with these efforts, the health ministry is working to increase the number of healthcare professionals who specialize in treating rare diseases. This initiative will address the complex needs of these patients, ensuring a comprehensive approach to healthcare delivery.

Prenatal Screening and International Collaboration

A core component of these new measures includes the innovative use of medicinal products for patients, based on internationally accepted guidelines. This approach signifies a leap forward in the pharmaceutical treatment available to patients, directly impacting their quality of life.

Complementing the in-country efforts, the ministry has approved a significant expansion of neonatal screening programs. These programs will now include an additional eight diseases, with the expanded screening set to last three years followed by a two-year evaluation period. The Cyprus Institute of Neurology and Genetics, along with other medical centers, will carry out the necessary lab work, while clinical responsibilities will be managed by established hospitals.

International Treatment Options for Local Patients

Recognizing that some rare diseases may require treatments not available locally, the health ministry has pledged to ensure patients can access the care they need through specialized medical centers abroad. This commitment guarantees that despite geographical limitations, patients with rare diseases will have access to the full spectrum of treatments required for their conditions.

Commitment to Holistic Care

Overall, the government’s approach reflects a holistic vision for healthcare, one that is patient-centered and adaptable to the evolving landscape of medical needs. By fostering a system that is both inclusive and forward-thinking, patients with rare diseases can look forward to a future where their healthcare needs are met with expertise, compassion, and a commitment to excellence.

What new support is being provided for rare disease patients under the national health scheme?

The government has expanded Gesy to offer better support for rare disease patients, including:
1. Specialized clinics and scientific centers for advanced care.
2. More healthcare professionals specializing in rare diseases.
3. Enhanced prenatal and neonatal screening programs.
4. Access to international treatment options.
5. Patient-centered, holistic healthcare approaches.

How are diagnostic and therapeutic services being upgraded for rare disease patients?

Gesy aims to strengthen diagnostic, preventive, and therapeutic services for rare diseases by establishing specialized clinics and scientific centers. This expansion includes both public and private sectors and focuses on enhancing the quality and accessibility of care for patients in need.

What is being done in terms of prenatal screening and international collaboration for rare disease patients?

The government is innovatively using medicinal products for patients based on international guidelines, improving pharmaceutical treatment options. Additionally, there is an expansion of neonatal screening programs to include more diseases over a five-year period, with lab work conducted by medical centers like the Cyprus Institute of Neurology and Genetics and clinical responsibilities managed by hospitals.

How are international treatment options being made available for rare disease patients locally?

The health ministry is ensuring that rare disease patients who require treatments not available locally can access specialized medical centers abroad. This commitment guarantees access to the necessary treatments for rare conditions, regardless of geographical limitations.

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