
North’s Met Office Head Sacked After Drought Prediction

climate change meteorology

Raif Ilker Buran, the chief of the northern sector’s meteorological department, was sacked after predicting a year of semi-arid conditions leading to potential regional droughts. His dismissal was reportedly influenced by the negative reaction from the agriculture ministry, sparking debates on climate change policy and scientific expression.

Why was the head of the North’s Met Office sacked?

Raif Ilker Buran, the chief of the northern sector’s meteorological department, was sacked after predicting a year of semi-arid conditions leading to potential regional droughts. His dismissal was reportedly influenced by the negative reaction from the agriculture ministry. The incident has sparked debates on climate change policy and scientific expression.

Unprecedented Dismissal in Meteorology

The northern sector’s meteorological department was swept into controversy when Raif Ilker Buran, its chief since 2014, faced termination following his public drought forecast. His predictive comment, “I foresee a year in which we will see semi-arid or regional droughts will take place,” posited an uneven distribution of rainfall, which could lead to crop success in some areas and drought in others. His outlook extended beyond regional implications, noting, “These predictions are also valid for the world.”

The Fallout of a Forecast

This prognostication did not sit well with various administrative departments. Arikli, speaking a day after the incident, indicated that Buran’s dismissal was influenced by the reaction from the agriculture ministry among others. The dismissed official later suggested that his firing was less about the drought prediction and more a reprisal for his stance against the premature opening of the new Ercan airport terminal, which he had voiced on July 20, triggering friction with Minister Arikli.

A Sudden Shift in Weather Reporting

The sacking also captured the attention of Buran’s predecessor, now a morning weather presenter on BRT1, the north’s public television. Emphasizing the comprehensive nature of meteorology, he remarked, “Meteorology is such a thing that it covers everything. From agriculture to maritime matters, it covers everywhere in a general sense. Public health is included in this.”

Climate Concerns and Calls for Policy Reform

The incident follows recent warnings from northern biologists about complacency after the drying up of the Kioneli reservoir. Stressing the perils of climate change, they urged the creation of a “rational water policy” to prepare for potential droughts. Despite requests for comments, the north’s ‘agriculture ministry’ has remained silent on the matter.

Tom Cleaver – Crafting the Narrative

Tom Cleaver, a seasoned and multilingual journalist with the Cyprus Mail since 2023, has followed the unfolding situation closely. A devoted football fan and wanderlust traveler, Cleaver continues to deliver award-winning coverage on a spectrum of issues.

What’s Next?

This incident has initiated a broader conversation about the urgency of climate change and the need for a proactive stance on environmental matters. It also raises questions about the freedom of scientific expression and the politicization of climate issues. As the story develops, further updates and insights from experts and officials are anticipated.

For more information and updates related to this and other pertinent events, please visit the Cyprus Mail’s website.

Quick Recap

  • Raif Ilker Buran, the chief of the northern sector’s meteorological department, was sacked after predicting a year of semi-arid conditions leading to potential regional droughts.
  • His dismissal was reportedly influenced by the negative reaction from the agriculture ministry, sparking debates on climate change policy and scientific expression.
  • Buran’s forecast posited an uneven distribution of rainfall, which could lead to crop success in some areas and drought in others.
  • Buran suggested that his firing was more a reprisal for his stance against the premature opening of the new Ercan airport terminal.
  • The incident has raised concerns about climate change, the need for a proactive stance on environmental matters, and the freedom of scientific expression.

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