
climate change

climate change green transition

Cypriots’ Willingness to Support Green Transition Through Higher Taxes

A recent survey conducted by the European Investment Bank (EIB) revealed that an impressive 70% of Cypriots are willing to support the green transition by paying higher income taxes, with many willing to contribute an extra 110% of their income. This tax increase aims to help lowerincome households affected by the shift to a lowcarbon economy, showcasing a remarkable display of solidarity and commitment to a greener future in Cyprus.

climate change sustainable tourism

Pragmatic Climate Change Strategies for Mediterranean Tourism

Kostas Koumis, the Cypriot Deputy Minister of Tourism, has called for practical climate change strategies to be integrated into Mediterranean tourism during the recent ‘Mediterranean Tourism Forum Minister’s Summit’ in Valletta, Malta. Koumis emphasized the need for digital transformation, extending the tourist season, and fostering collaboration among Mediterranean countries to manage the challenges of climate change and sustainable tourism.

climate change meteorology

North’s Met Office Head Sacked After Drought Prediction

Raif Ilker Buran, the chief of the northern sector’s meteorological department, was sacked after predicting a year of semiarid conditions leading to potential regional droughts. His dismissal was reportedly influenced by the negative reaction from the agriculture ministry, sparking debates on climate change policy and scientific expression.

climate change cop28 conference

Pope Francis’ Groundbreaking Attendance at COP28 Climate Conference

Pope Francis’ attendance at the COP28 climate conference in Dubai is historic, marking the first time a pope participates in the U.N. climate meeting since its inception. His presence underscores the Vatican’s commitment to environmental advocacy and highlights the critical role religious leadership plays in the global dialogue on climate change action.

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