
Enhancing Buyer Protection in Real Estate Transactions

1 buyer protection

New legal measures have been implemented to enhance buyer protection in real estate transactions, focusing on transparency and safeguarding buyer interests. Sellers are now required to provide an updated search certificate when signing a contract, declarations are necessary for properties with encumbrances, full disclosure of financial obligations is required to prevent undisclosed debts, and mortgage release upon significant payment ensures secure property claims for buyers. These new laws aim to increase transparency and ensure that buyers are well-informed and protected in their real estate purchases.

What are the new legal measures aimed at enhancing buyer protection in real estate transactions?

New legal measures in real estate transactions focus on ensuring transparency and safeguarding buyer interests:

  1. Sellers must provide an updated search certificate when signing a contract.
  2. Declarations from sellers and mortgagors are required for properties with encumbrances.
  3. Full disclosure of financial obligations prevents undisclosed debts.
  4. Mortgage release upon significant payment ensures secure property claims for buyers.

Overview of New Legal Measures

The real estate market has recently witnessed significant legislative changes aimed at bolstering the security of property transactions. The amending Law 132(I)/2023 has introduced critical requirements that impact both sellers and mortgage lenders. By modifying the existing Sale of Immovable Properties (Specific Performance) Laws from 2011 to 2020, the new law, effective as of December 12, 2023, emphasizes the necessity of transparency in property sales. Sellers are now mandated to provide a current search certificate when entering into a contract of sale, with the issuance date of this document being within five working days of the contract signing. This ensures that buyers receive up-to-date information about the property in question.

The updated legislation targets the protection of buyers through meticulous documentation requirements. In instances where the property is under existing encumbrances, such as mortgages or pre-existing contracts, the registrar will only file the new sale contract if accompanied by declarations made by both the mortgagor and the seller. These declarations must be communicated to the buyer in writing, aligning with specific forms from the law’s appendix, thus guaranteeing that buyers are well-informed and can safeguard their interests.

Safeguards against Undisclosed Encumbrances

The new law also confronts scenarios where sellers may have previously concealed financial encumbrances on the property. Such transparency is critical, especially when dealing with land developers who might mortgage parts of the land to finance other buyer’s purchases. For example, a developer could use the land as security for a loan related to another apartment in the same building or a different property within the same construction project. By requiring full disclosure and documented consent, the law prevents potential fraud and spares the buyer from future legal hassles and financial losses that could arise if the seller is uncooperative in rectifying such issues.

To further elucidate, the seller must obtain a written declaration from the mortgagor, referred to as Form A, detailing any mortgage on the property related to the sale. This declaration specifies the obligations of the mortgagor in the event that a significant portion (95%) of the sale price is deposited into a designated bank account. Upon this condition being met, the mortgagor agrees to release the property from the mortgage, ensuring the buyer’s claim to the property is secure.

Impact on Mortgage Registration Practices

The legal framework introduced by the amendment also affects how mortgages are recorded, particularly when linked to the sale of an individual unit, such as an apartment or house, within a larger development. When a seller has used a portion of the land as collateral for another buyer’s purchase, the written declaration must reflect a zero amount. This indicates there are no outstanding financial obligations that could affect the new buyer’s ownership rights. It is an essential step towards maintaining a clear and equitable real estate market, where buyers can proceed with confidence, knowing that the property they are investing in is not entangled in undisclosed debts or legal complications.

It’s crucial for all parties involved in real estate transactions to be aware of these requirements, as they significantly affect the process of buying and selling property. Ensuring compliance not only protects individual rights but also strengthens the overall integrity of the property market.

1. What is the purpose of the new legal measures in real estate transactions?

The purpose of the new legal measures is to enhance buyer protection in real estate transactions by focusing on transparency and safeguarding buyer interests.

2. What are the specific requirements for sellers in these transactions?

Sellers are required to provide an updated search certificate when signing a contract, ensuring that buyers receive up-to-date information about the property. Declarations are also necessary for properties with encumbrances, such as mortgages or pre-existing contracts.

3. How do the new laws prevent undisclosed debts?

Full disclosure of financial obligations is required, preventing sellers from concealing any financial encumbrances on the property. This ensures that buyers are well-informed and can safeguard their interests.

4. How does the law ensure secure property claims for buyers?

The law includes a provision for mortgage release upon significant payment. If a buyer deposits 95% of the sale price into a designated bank account, the mortgagor agrees to release the property from the mortgage, ensuring the buyer’s claim to the property is secure.

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