
Unearthing History: Ancient Tomb Discovered in Limassol

history archaeology

During routine groundwork for water supply improvements in Limassol’s Tziamouda region, an ancient tomb was unexpectedly discovered, leading to a halt in construction and the start of archaeological investigations to protect the historical site. The discovery adds to Limassol’s rich history, with previous findings of late Bronze Age tombs in the area, and has resulted in the rescheduling of planned water supply disruptions.

What was the ancient discovery made during water supply improvement works in Limassol?

An ancient tomb was unexpectedly discovered in the Tziamouda region of Limassol during routine groundwork for water supply improvements. The discovery prompted an immediate halt of the construction and the commencement of archaeological investigations to explore and protect the historical site.

Sudden Halt to Water Supply Improvement Works

In Limassol’s Tziamouda region, a historical surprise surfaced amidst routine preparatory tasks. The Limassol water supply board’s teams were in the midst of groundwork for imminent improvement projects scheduled for the following Tuesday. Instead, what they found was a gateway to the past—an ancient tomb concealed for ages, now brought to light on a regular Friday.

Immediate Response and Protection Measures

As soon as the discovery echoed through the chambers of history and reached the ears of the department of antiquities, actions were swift. Instructions were clear: halt the works and secure the area. A ribbon to cordon off the past from the present was the immediate step, followed by the plan for investigative excavations set to commence from Monday next week.

Historical Echoes in Limassol

Limassol, with its rich tapestry of history, is no stranger to such findings. The heart of its historic center has previously revealed late Bronze Age tombs, a testament to the area’s ancient occupancy. These revelations have often emerged amid extensive anti-flood work by the Limassol-Amathounta sewerage board, unveiling layers of the past as modern development forges ahead.

Rescheduling Due to Archaeological Find

The unanticipated discovery has, as a consequence, pushed the planned water supply disruption to a later date. Residents anticipating water stoppages on November 21st, especially those residing along Ayia Fylaxis, June 16 1943 (formerly Gladstonos), Victor Hugo, and Orpheas streets, can breathe a sigh of relief—for now. The water board pledges to announce a new date post the antiquities department’s comprehensive examinations.

A Journalist’s Journey: Iole Damaskinos

Behind the story is Iole Damaskinos, a dedicated journalist at Cyprus Mail, who has spent two fruitful years uncovering stories just like this one. When her pen is at rest, Damaskinos delves into the world of permaculture and indulges her curiosity in health and archaeology, further enriching her storytelling.

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Quick Recap

  • An ancient tomb was unexpectedly discovered in the Tziamouda region of Limassol during routine groundwork for water supply improvements.
  • The discovery prompted a halt in construction and the start of archaeological investigations to protect the historical site.
  • Limassol has a history of uncovering ancient tombs, including late Bronze Age tombs in the historic center.
  • The discovery has resulted in the rescheduling of planned water supply disruptions in the area.
  • The journalist Iole Damaskinos has spent two years uncovering stories like this one for Cyprus Mail.

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