

archaeology cultural heritage

Kourion Sex Tape Scandal at Historic Site

The Kourion sex tape scandal at the historical site in Cyprus involves a couple filming illicit content at the ancient theatre, prompting an investigation to protect the cultural heritage of the location. Authorities are working to preserve the sanctity of the site and prevent future violations through increased surveillance measures.

archaeology preservation

Discovering the Past: Palloures Excavations Unearth Ancient Lives

The Palloures archaeological site in Chlorakas, Cyprus, offers a unique window into the late Chalcolithic period, showcasing complex societal structures and evidence of active participation in Mediterranean trade networks. Excavations have unearthed wellpreserved buildings, artefacts, and graves dating back to 3000 BC, reshaping our understanding of ancient Cyprus.

archaeology ancient history

Kourion Excavations Reveal Ancient Marvels

The 2024 Kourion Urban Space Project excavation uncovered a fourthcentury marble statue of Artemis, revealing insights into the ancient city’s history and culture. The discovery sheds light on Kourion’s artistic achievements and the impact of the earthquakes that led to the city’s decline.

archaeology ancient cyprus

Unveiling the Mysteries of Ancient Cyprus

Recent excavations in Erimi, Cyprus have uncovered a Bronze Age ritual site at Laonin tou Porakou, revealing the island’s oldest sacred space and a mysterious intramural burial of a young individual with a skull injury. A 2.3metretall monolith at the site signifies a dramatic historical event, shedding new light on societal shifts towards urbanization in ancient Cyprus.

archaeology heritage

Honorary Citizenship for Renowned Archaeologist

Professor Joan Breton Connelly is being honored with honorary citizenship in Paphos for her 50year dedication to archaeological research and excavation, particularly on Yeronisos island. Her work has greatly enriched the understanding of the region’s history and its cultural heritage, earning her widespread recognition and numerous academic accolades. The ceremony will celebrate her remarkable contributions, shedding light on the past civilizations that have shaped the presentday cultural landscape of Paphos.

archaeology heritage preservation

Ancient Sites Rediscovered at British Bases

A team from the University of Leicester has rediscovered 46 ancient sites at the Dhekelia British military base in Cyprus, spanning the Bronze Age to Roman eras. The survey also revealed three coastal quarries, providing insights into ancient trade and infrastructure.

archaeology prehistoric

Unearthing Insights at the Palloures Archaeological Symposium

The upcoming Palloures Archaeological Symposium will delve into various captivating topics, including the study of prehistoric excrement to gain insights into ancient diets, the exploration of cruciform figurines for a deeper understanding of prehistoric art and spirituality, the analysis of pottery to unveil ancient trade networks, the examination of botanical remains to understand prehistoric environments, and the excavation findings revealing the ancient urban developments of the Chalcolithic settlement of Palloures. The symposium will be held online, allowing individuals from all over the world to attend and learn about these fascinating discoveries.

history archaeology

Unearthing History: Ancient Tomb Discovered in Limassol

During routine groundwork for water supply improvements in Limassol’s Tziamouda region, an ancient tomb was unexpectedly discovered, leading to a halt in construction and the start of archaeological investigations to protect the historical site. The discovery adds to Limassol’s rich history, with previous findings of late Bronze Age tombs in the area, and has resulted in the rescheduling of planned water supply disruptions.

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