
202 Individuals Deported from Cyprus in Latest Crackdown

immigration policy deportation

In the latest crackdown on immigration policy, Cyprus deported 202 individuals who were residing in the country without proper authorization, bringing the total number of deportations this year to 8,385. This reflects Cyprus’s commitment to enforcing immigration laws and securing its borders, amidst ongoing geopolitical challenges with Russia and Turkey.

How many individuals have been deported from Cyprus recently?

In the latest crackdown on immigration policy, Cyprus deported a total of 202 individuals who were residing in the country without proper authorization. This action is part of a broader strategy, with 8,385 deportations carried out so far this year, demonstrating Cyprus’s ongoing commitment to enforcing immigration laws and securing its borders.

Cyprus has witnessed a significant number of deportations in the past week, pointing to a robust stance on immigration policy. On Friday, a statement from the police highlighted that a total of 202 individuals, who were residing in Cyprus without proper authorization, have been deported.

Deportation Statistics and Operations

The recent deportations are part of a larger trend, with the year’s total reaching 8,385 deportations so far. These operations align with the broader efforts of the Cypriot authorities to manage immigration and residency within its borders.

In a collaborative effort with Frontex, the European Border and Coast Guard Agency, Cyprus has engaged in joint deportation flights. Remarkably, this instance marks the 12th participation of Cyprus in such operations this year, with plans already in place for the 13th operation scheduled for November 25, 2023.

Continual Efforts and Future Plans

The police force, along with the civil registry and migration service, are in continuous pursuit to enhance the efficiency of these deportation processes. The announcement concluded with a reaffirmation of their commitment to this cause.

Strengthening International Ties and Enhancing Security

While Cyprus manages its internal affairs, the international stage has not been neglected. The Cypriot government actively engages with the EU and benefits from collaborations in defense spending. As part of the island’s defense strategy, efforts are made to modernize the National Guard by gradually replacing obsolete equipment through meticulous planning and budgeting.

The Geopolitical Context

Cyprus finds itself in a complex geopolitical environment, with the aftermath of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and regional tensions with Turkey. The continuous provocations necessitate a state of readiness and vigilance, making the deportation operations not just a matter of policy enforcement but also of national security.


The deportation of 202 individuals reflects the ongoing commitment of the Cypriot authorities to uphold immigration laws and maintain the security of its borders. In the context of a challenging geopolitical landscape, Cyprus continues to strike a balance between national security concerns and international cooperation.

Quick Recap

  • Cyprus deported a total of 202 individuals who were residing in the country without proper authorization, bringing the total number of deportations this year to 8,385.
  • The recent deportations are part of a larger trend, with Cyprus engaging in joint deportation flights with Frontex, the European Border and Coast Guard Agency.
  • The police force, civil registry, and migration service are continuously working to enhance the efficiency of deportation processes.
  • Cyprus actively engages with the EU and collaborates in defense spending to strengthen international ties and enhance security.
  • The deportation operations not only enforce immigration laws but also contribute to national security amidst ongoing geopolitical challenges with Russia and Turkey.

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