
Urgent Appeal for Increased State Budget to Support Overseas Medical Treatment

overseas medical treatment state budget

The House health committee in Cyprus urgently appeals to increase the state budget allocation to €4 million to support families accompanying patients for overseas medical treatment. The committee emphasizes the need to ease the financial burden of non-medical expenses such as travel, accommodation, and daily sustenance for these families.

What is the urgent appeal to the Cyprus government regarding overseas medical treatment?

The House health committee in Cyprus has urgently appealed to increase state budget allocation to €4 million to support families accompanying patients for overseas medical treatment. The committee underscores the need for the government to ease the financial burden of non-medical expenses such as travel, accommodation, and daily sustenance.

Healthcare is a fundamental aspect of any society, ensuring that individuals receive the necessary medical attention, especially in times of need. However, when local facilities fall short, some patients must seek treatment beyond their national borders. This necessity brings to light the challenges not only of healthcare accessibility but also the financial burden placed on patients and their families. In Cyprus, a recent debate within the House health committee has sparked conversations about the need for greater financial support for families accompanying patients receiving treatment abroad.

Financial Stress on Families of Patients Abroad

During a recent meeting, the House health committee discussed the pressing issue of non-medical expenses that families incur when the state sends patients abroad for treatment. The costs – including transportation, accommodations, and daily sustenance – can be overwhelming. Euthymios Diplaros, the committee head and Disy MP, stressed the importance of the state taking responsibility to alleviate these burdens. Despite the health ministry requesting €350,000 to cover these expenses, Diplaros cited a study from 2020, which suggests that €4 million is necessary to adequately support these families.

The committee has unanimously agreed to draft a letter to President Nikos Christodoulides. This letter urges the inclusion of the substantial €4 million in the 2024 state budget, a figure that starkly contrasts with the currently proposed amount. The intention is to broaden the support to families, beyond the mere 10 percent of the 1,200 patients sent abroad who currently receive state aid.

Expanding Local Healthcare to Reduce Overseas Treatments

While the committee pushes for increased funding, Akel MP Marina Nicolaou emphasizes the importance of developing Cyprus’s healthcare system. By enhancing local medical services, the need for seeking treatment abroad could be reduced. Yet, given the current circumstances, she also supports the call for increased state funding for overseas medical treatment.

The Socioeconomic Impact of Traveling for Health

The committee members, including Diko MP Chrysanthos Savvides, Edek MP Andreas Apostolou, and Dipa MP Michalis Yiacoumi, have voiced their concerns regarding the socioeconomic challenges these families face. A comprehensive state support system is critical, they argue, for managing the financial impact on patients and their relatives who travel for medical reasons.

Concerns Over the National Cancer Institute

In a related concern, the future of the National Cancer Institute is uncertain, as its inclusion in the 2024 health ministry budget is doubtful. Marios Charalambides, the secretary general of the Cyprus patient associations’ federation (Osak), highlighted the limited authority of the institute, which hinders its ability to effectively manage cancer treatment and prevention in Cyprus. Osak has already advocated for the National Cancer Institute’s inclusion in the upcoming budget due to its role as a scientific body and coordinator of cancer-related activities in the country.

The Need for Compassionate Care

The discussions within the House health committee serve as a reminder of the critical role that state support plays in healthcare, especially when treatments are not available locally. The committee’s actions reflect a commitment to ensuring that patients and their families are provided with the care and support they need, regardless of where their treatment takes them. The call for increased funding is a testament to the empathy and responsibility that the state holds towards its citizens’ well-being.

Quick Recap

  • The House health committee in Cyprus urgently appeals to increase the state budget allocation to €4 million to support families accompanying patients for overseas medical treatment.
  • The committee emphasizes the need to ease the financial burden of non-medical expenses such as travel, accommodation, and daily sustenance for these families.
  • The committee has unanimously agreed to draft a letter to President Nikos Christodoulides urging the inclusion of the substantial €4 million in the 2024 state budget.
  • Akel MP Marina Nicolaou supports the call for increased funding for overseas medical treatment but also emphasizes the importance of developing Cyprus’s healthcare system to reduce the need for seeking treatment abroad.
  • Concerns have been raised regarding the socioeconomic challenges faced by families traveling for medical reasons and the uncertainty of the National Cancer Institute’s inclusion in the 2024 health ministry budget.

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