
Hellenic Bank: A Trailblazer in ESG Strategy and Sustainable Banking

sustainable banking esg strategy

Hellenic Bank is leading the way in sustainable banking with its bold ESG strategy, striving for carbon neutrality by 2050. The bank’s approach includes reducing emissions, promoting green banking products, fostering a diverse workforce, and aligning with global sustainability goals like the UN SDGs and the EU Green Deal.

What is Hellenic Bank’s approach to sustainable banking and ESG strategy?

Hellenic Bank integrates sustainability with a comprehensive ESG strategy, aiming for carbon neutrality by 2050. It emphasizes reducing emissions, advancing green banking products, nurturing a diverse workforce, and supporting community sustainability. The strategy aligns with UN SDGs, the EU Green Deal, and the Paris climate accord.

Paving the Path to a Greener Future

Hellenic Bank has positioned itself as a forerunner in the realm of sustainable banking by committing to an extensive and methodical ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) strategy. As global attention increasingly turns towards the impacts of climate change and social responsibility, the bank’s revised ESG framework, incorporated into its strategic plan by the Board of Directors in November 2023, showcases a proactive approach to weaving sustainability into the fabric of its operations.

This strategic initiative manifests in a comprehensive matrix combining ambitious objectives and actionable steps. The bank’s aim to serve as a catalyst for the green transition is deeply embedded in its culture and is reflected in every business decision. Recognizing the urgency to address environmental concerns, Hellenic Bank has meticulously crafted a strategy that aligns with major international standards such as the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals, the EU Green Deal, and the Paris climate accords.

Striving for Carbon Neutrality

The journey towards carbon neutrality is a critical component of Hellenic Bank’s ESG agenda. Aiming to reach net zero emissions by 2050, the bank has introduced a suite of initiatives to shrink its carbon footprint. These measures include reducing energy consumption, which saw a significant 9% drop in the past year, and the ongoing installation of photovoltaic systems to harness renewable energy. The bank has also taken robust steps to improve energy efficiency in its buildings through better thermal insulation and the use of energy-saving technologies.

Beyond its internal practices, Hellenic Bank is also championing a greener approach to its financial services by promoting eco-friendly choices among its clients. From green banking products to sustainable lending solutions, the bank is not only reshaping its own operations but also encouraging its customers to participate in the broader environmental movement.

Cultivating a Skilled and Diverse Workforce

Hellenic Bank recognizes that its most valuable asset is its people. With approximately 2,000 employees, the institution has placed a premium on nurturing talent through targeted training in ESG matters and offering a workplace that balances professional and private life. The future of banking relies on a diverse and inclusive workforce, and the bank is taking measurable steps to ensure diversity in its leadership and throughout its corporate structure.

Employee wellbeing is at the heart of Hellenic Bank’s human resources strategy. From specialized workshops to progressive personnel management practices, the bank is dedicated to creating an environment that fosters growth, innovation, and a shared commitment to sustainability.

Reinforcing Resilience and Performance

Enhancing resilience and performance is integral to Hellenic Bank’s service delivery. The ESG Strategy includes strengthening the frameworks around environmental and climate risk, which in turn heightens the bank’s capacity to offer resilient and sustainable financial products. The bank’s dedication to ESG principles is further evidenced in its efforts to expand green lending, which amounted to €219 million in the previous year.

As it fortifies its services against environmental risks, Hellenic Bank also advances its ESG performance, marrying fiscal prudence with ecological and social responsibility. This balance ensures that products and services are not only profitable but also contribute positively to a sustainable future.

Supporting a Sustainable Ecosystem

The bank’s commitment extends beyond its doors, aiming to cultivate sustainability throughout the community it serves. Through an array of green loans and specialized banking products, Hellenic Bank assists both individual and corporate clients in transitioning to sustainable business models and lifestyles.

Furthermore, the bank’s social footprint is marked by generous support for charitable causes and a robust volunteer program. By partnering with various non-profit organizations and participating in environmental initiatives, Hellenic Bank is actively involved in enriching the community and protecting the natural world.

Championing Human Rights

Hellenic Bank places a strong emphasis on upholding human rights as a cornerstone of its ESG Strategy. The bank has articulated its commitment through a Statement of Human Rights, drawing on global conventions and guidelines. This commitment is operationalized through diverse practices that include anti-discrimination policies, maintaining high standards of health and safety, and ensuring ethical conduct in all aspects of its business.

In extending its human rights focus to its customer interactions, Hellenic Bank has established sustainable lending policies and rigorous ESG assessments for financing projects. This approach ensures that the bank’s financial activities promote human dignity and contribute to the advancement of global human rights standards.


For more information or inquiries, Hellenic Bank can be reached at:

  • Tel: 8000 9999 (for calls from Cyprus, free of charge) or +357 22 500500 (if dialing from overseas)
  • E-mail:
  • Webpage: Hellenic Bank

What is Hellenic Bank’s approach to sustainable banking and ESG strategy?

Hellenic Bank integrates sustainability with a comprehensive ESG strategy, aiming for carbon neutrality by 2050. It emphasizes reducing emissions, advancing green banking products, nurturing a diverse workforce, and supporting community sustainability. The strategy aligns with UN SDGs, the EU Green Deal, and the Paris climate accord.

How is Hellenic Bank working towards carbon neutrality?

Hellenic Bank is committed to achieving carbon neutrality by 2050. The bank has implemented initiatives to reduce energy consumption, install photovoltaic systems for renewable energy, improve energy efficiency in buildings, and promote eco-friendly choices among clients through green banking products and sustainable lending solutions.

How does Hellenic Bank support a skilled and diverse workforce?

Hellenic Bank values its employees and invests in talent development by providing training in ESG matters and maintaining a work-life balance. The bank emphasizes diversity and inclusivity in its workforce, ensuring diversity in leadership and throughout its corporate structure. Employee wellbeing is a priority, with practices that foster growth, innovation, and sustainability.

How does Hellenic Bank reinforce resilience and performance through its ESG strategy?

Hellenic Bank enhances resilience and performance by strengthening frameworks around environmental and climate risk. This approach allows the bank to offer resilient and sustainable financial products while expanding green lending. By marrying fiscal prudence with ecological and social responsibility, Hellenic Bank ensures that its products and services contribute positively to a sustainable future.

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