
A Call for Justice: The Greek Cypriot Brotherhood Appeals to UK Prime Minister

international diplomacy human rights

The Greek Cypriot Brotherhood has called upon UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak to actively support UN efforts to reunify Cyprus, emphasizing the UK’s historical ties and legal obligations as a guarantor power. They urge an end to divisive actions and a settlement that upholds the rights of all Cypriots, highlighting the potential for a unified Cyprus to serve as a beacon of hope for peaceful coexistence.

What is the Greek Cypriot Brotherhood’s appeal to UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak?

The Greek Cypriot Brotherhood has appealed to UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak to actively support UN efforts to reunify Cyprus, highlighting the UK’s role as a guarantor power with historical ties and legal obligations. They urge the reversal of divisive actions and encourage the UK to facilitate a settlement respecting all Cypriots’ rights.

A Historic Resolution on the Cyprus Issue

Recently, the Greek Cypriot Brotherhood convened for their annual general meeting, which culminated in the approval of a significant resolution addressed to UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak. This resolution comes at a poignant moment, marking the 50th anniversary of the Turkish invasion and the subsequent occupation of Cyprus. The Brotherhood didn’t mince words, describing this longstanding issue as a stark failure of international diplomacy and a blatant disregard for both international law and human rights.

The text of the resolution pulls no punches in highlighting the ongoing division of Cyprus as a stain on the reputation of the international community. The authors of the document express a sense of urgency, fearing that if the situation remains unaddressed, justice for Cyprus may be irretrievably lost. They warn of the heavy historical burden that will fall on the shoulders of those who fail to reunite the island nation.

The United Kingdom’s Role and Responsibilities

Founded in 1934 in London, the Greek Cypriot Brotherhood stands as the oldest Greek Cypriot diaspora organization. Through the resolution, the Brotherhood’s representatives remind the British government of the unique responsibilities the UK holds towards Cyprus, rooted in historical ties and legal obligations. These obligations are underscored by the UK’s role as a guarantor power and its commitment to uphold international and European law.

At a time when international relations are being tested, the Brotherhood draws a parallel with the UK’s stance on the Russian invasion of Ukraine, suggesting that a similar message needs to be conveyed to Turkey regarding its actions in Cyprus. They call for an end to any divisive actions and the implementation of UN resolutions that acknowledge a reunified Cyprus would no longer need guarantor powers.

A Unified Cyprus as a Beacon of Hope

The resolution doesn’t merely outline the problems; it also extends a call to action. It urges Prime Minister Sunak to actively support United Nations efforts to restart negotiations for the reunification of Cyprus as swiftly as possible. The signatories argue that a solution to the Cyprus issue could serve as a “beacon of hope,” symbolizing the peaceful coexistence of different religions and cultures.

For this vision to materialize, the resolution insists on the reversal of divisive actions that aim to cement the status quo. It implores the UK to reinforce its dedication to facilitating a comprehensive settlement that respects the human rights and fundamental freedoms of all Cypriots.

Legacy of Commitment

The Greek Cypriot Brotherhood’s resolution serves as a testament to the unwavering commitment of the diaspora to the cause of their homeland. With Aris Charalambides, the president, and Andreas Karaolis, the secretary, as the signatories, the resolution carries the weight of an organization deeply rooted in the history and struggle of the Cypriot people. The Brotherhood’s appeal to the UK government is a reminder that the quest for justice and reunification of Cyprus persists, fifty years on, with the Cypriot spirit undimmed by the decades of division.

What is the significance of the resolution approved by the Greek Cypriot Brotherhood?

The resolution approved by the Greek Cypriot Brotherhood is a significant call to action addressed to UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, emphasizing the urgent need for reunification of Cyprus and highlighting the failures of international diplomacy in addressing the long-standing division.

What responsibilities does the United Kingdom hold in relation to Cyprus?

The United Kingdom, as a guarantor power with historical ties and legal obligations, is reminded by the Greek Cypriot Brotherhood of its unique responsibilities towards Cyprus. The UK is urged to actively support UN efforts to reunify Cyprus and uphold international and European law in facilitating a comprehensive settlement.

How does the resolution envision a unified Cyprus?

The resolution envisions a unified Cyprus as a beacon of hope for peaceful coexistence, symbolizing the harmonious living of different religions and cultures. It calls for the reversal of divisive actions and the implementation of UN resolutions to achieve a settlement that respects the rights and freedoms of all Cypriots.

What legacy does the Greek Cypriot Brotherhood’s resolution leave?

The resolution approved by the Greek Cypriot Brotherhood reflects the unwavering commitment of the diaspora to the reunification of Cyprus. Signed by the president, Aris Charalambides, and the secretary, Andreas Karaolis, the resolution serves as a reminder of the persistent quest for justice and unity in Cyprus despite decades of division.

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