
Elder Abuse Case Shocks Famagusta Community

elder abuse caregiver

The Famagusta community was shocked by an elder abuse case at a care home, where a caregiver was caught on CCTV physically assaulting a 100-year-old resident named Saban Disko. Legal action has been taken, with the caregiver arrested and an ongoing police investigation to uncover the truth and ensure justice is served.

What happened in the elder abuse case in Famagusta?

The Famagusta care home incident involved a caregiver physically assaulting a 100-year-old resident, Saban Disko. The abuse was discovered after hospital staff noted bruises on Mr. Disko, and CCTV footage showed the caregiver hitting and kicking him. Legal action has commenced, with the caregiver arrested and the case under police investigation.

The Incident at the Care Home

A care home in Famagusta has become the center of a police investigation following allegations of abuse against a centenarian resident. In a shocking revelation, a caregiver employed at the facility stands accused of physically assaulting Saban Disko, a 100-year-old man. The case surfaced after Mr. Disko fell ill and subsequent hospitalization led to the discovery of bruises indicative of mistreatment.

Discovery and Legal Action

Authorities were alerted after medical staff noticed signs of abuse on Mr. Disko’s body. Upon reviewing CCTV footage, evidence of the caregiver hitting and kicking Mr. Disko multiple times came to the fore. The disturbing recording, captured during the early hours of February 15, has led to the caregiver’s arrest and a deeper probe into the care practices at the facility. The police have expressed intentions to further scrutinize past footage to ascertain if this was an isolated event or part of a pattern of abuse.

Family’s Role and Victim’s Condition

Reports have emerged that family members had previously noted unexplained bruising on Mr. Disko’s body, which were dismissed by the care home staff as consequences of aging and falls. The elderly man, currently in a state of shock from the ordeal, has been unable to provide a statement. The family’s persistence in questioning the bruises was a pivotal factor in bringing the abuse to light.

Judicial Proceedings

As the inquiry continues, the accused caregiver has been detained by the authorities. A court order has mandated a three-day remand as investigators piece together the extent of the abuse. This case has highlighted the need for vigilant oversight in care facilities and has raised concerns about the treatment of vulnerable elderly residents. The community awaits further developments as the investigation unfolds, hoping for justice and measures to prevent future occurrences of such appalling acts.


1. What was the elder abuse case in Famagusta about?

The elder abuse case in Famagusta involved a caregiver physically assaulting a 100-year-old resident named Saban Disko at a care home. The abuse was discovered after hospital staff noticed bruises on Mr. Disko’s body, and CCTV footage confirmed the caregiver’s violent actions.

2. What actions have been taken in response to the elder abuse case?

Legal action has been taken in response to the elder abuse case. The caregiver responsible for the abuse has been arrested, and there is an ongoing police investigation to uncover the truth and ensure justice is served.

3. What role did the family play in bringing the abuse to light?

The family of the victim had previously noticed unexplained bruises on Mr. Disko’s body and questioned the care home staff about them. However, their concerns were dismissed. Their persistence in questioning the bruises played a pivotal role in bringing the abuse to light and initiating the investigation.

4. What are the concerns raised by this elder abuse case?

This elder abuse case in Famagusta has raised concerns about the treatment of vulnerable elderly residents and the need for vigilant oversight in care facilities. The community hopes for justice to be served and measures to be put in place to prevent future occurrences of such appalling acts.

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