
Embracing the Future of Education: The All-Day School Model

education all-day schools

Education Minister Athena Michaelidou promotes the benefits of the all-day school model in Nicosia, emphasizing extended hours, collaborative learning, STEAM education, and cultural heritage integration to prepare students for the complexities of the modern world. With 228 primary schools and five secondary institutions already implementing all-day programs, Cyprus is shaping a future-oriented education system that nurtures critical thinking, creativity, and cultural appreciation.

What are the benefits of the all-day school model?

The all-day school model provides several benefits including:

  • Extended school hours for a nurturing learning environment.
  • Opportunities for applying knowledge in diverse settings.
  • Encouragement of collaborative problem-solving.
  • Integration of STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics) education.
  • Emphasis on cultural heritage and language skills.
  • Preparation of students for the complexities of the modern world.

The Advancement of All-Day Schools

Education Minister Athena Michaelidou recently highlighted the clear value of the all-day school system during a promotional event in the heart of Nicosia. Emphasizing the multifaceted benefits of extended school hours, Michaelidou regards the all-day school model as a beacon for educational and social progress. The government, in line with this vision, is orchestrating plans to further integrate all-day schools into the new academic year’s curriculum.

The all-day schooling framework was lauded for not only its sustained success at the Pancyprian lyceum over three years but also for its ability to foster a nurturing environment for learners. It’s a space where knowledge and skills are not just acquired but applied in diverse settings, encouraging students to collaborate in problem-solving activities, an essential skill for the future.

Steam Education in All-Day Schools

The STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics) approach, embraced by all-day schools, serves as a testament to the evolving educational paradigms that prioritize inquiry, dialogue, and critical thinking. Michaelidou underscores the value of this approach, which aligns with the overarching objective to sculpt modern, student-centered, and inclusive learning spaces.

To date, 228 primary schools have incorporated all-day programs, and experimental schemes are underway in five secondary institutions. The all-day model is a conduit for experimental learning, according to Michaelidou, fostering independent thought and nurturing a critical and creative mindset in students.

The Role of Culture and Language in Education

In parallel with technological and scientific immersion, the education system also celebrates cultural heritage. Michaelidou pointed out initiatives like the “Greek Language and Culture” programs provided in all-day schools aimed at elevating the quality of both written and spoken language skills among pupils. This initiative is part of a broader strategy to engage students with the spiritual, material, historical, and artistic milestones that shape our collective experience.

The Minister’s commitment to education reflects a belief in its power to prepare the youth for the complexities of the modern world. By integrating STEAM methodologies and appreciating cultural legacies, the all-day school system positions itself as an agent of comprehensive development, ensuring that every child has the chance to discover and hone their talents to the fullest.

Shaping the Future Through Education

The transition to all-day schooling is not merely a shift in schedule; it is an emblem of the state’s dedication to the evolution of education and society. Through initiatives such as the extended school day and the STEAM approach, Cyprus is actively preparing its students for the modern world’s demands.

In her statements, Michaelidou paints a picture of a future-oriented education system, one that is intricately woven with technological and scientific advancements, yet firmly anchored in its historic and cultural identity. She envisions a system where education is not just about the transmission of knowledge but about cultivating a generation equipped with the skills to navigate and shape the future.

How many schools in Cyprus have already implemented the all-day school model?

To date, 228 primary schools and five secondary institutions in Cyprus have implemented all-day programs, embracing the benefits of extended hours, collaborative learning, STEAM education, and cultural heritage integration.

What is the STEAM approach in education and how is it integrated into the all-day school model?

The STEAM approach stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics. This approach, embraced by all-day schools, prioritizes inquiry, dialogue, and critical thinking, aiming to sculpt modern, student-centered, and inclusive learning spaces. The integration of STEAM education in the all-day school model fosters independent thought and nurtures a critical and creative mindset in students.

How does the all-day school model prepare students for the complexities of the modern world?

The all-day school model prepares students for the modern world by providing extended school hours for a nurturing learning environment, opportunities for applying knowledge in diverse settings, encouragement of collaborative problem-solving, integration of STEAM education, emphasis on cultural heritage and language skills, and overall readiness to navigate the complexities of the modern world.

What initiatives are in place to celebrate cultural heritage and language skills in the all-day school model?

Initiatives like the “Greek Language and Culture” programs are provided in all-day schools to elevate the quality of both written and spoken language skills among pupils. These initiatives aim to engage students with the spiritual, material, historical, and artistic milestones that shape our collective experience, celebrating cultural heritage alongside technological and scientific immersion.

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