
censorship of educational materials

journalism censorship

Heavily Censored and Wary: Reporting During the Coup

Journalists in Cyprus during the 1974 coup faced dangerous conditions, rigorous censorship, and the risk of conscription. Reporting became a perilous task as they navigated through controlled tours, had their content scrutinized by government censors, and dealt with understaffed newsrooms. Despite these obstacles, some persisted in delivering news, crucial to maintaining a free press in tumultuous times.

education accreditation

Examining the Overabundance of Medical Schools in Northern Cyprus

The fake diploma scandal in Northern Cyprus has shaken the integrity of the education system, particularly involving alleged bribery in the accreditation of medical schools like the Cyprus Health and Social Sciences University. Amidst the turmoil, the government’s response reflects a commitment to transparency, with strict policies in place not just in academia but also in public events like football matches to ensure safety and uphold standards.

education early childhood

Expanding Access to Early Childhood Education

Expanding free preprimary education in Cyprus will ensure all children aged four and older have equitable access to quality early learning, benefiting cognitive, social, and emotional development. This reform aims to create a more inclusive society by helping lowincome families afford education and laying a strong foundation for lifelong learning.

education scandal

Tatar Demands Resignation Amidst Education Scandal

Turkish Cypriot Leader Ersin Tatar demands Yodak Chairman Turgay Avci’s resignation over allegations of counterfeit diplomas and corruption, sparking a push for educational integrity. Avci, accused of accepting bribes related to university accreditation, faces calls for resignation to uphold standards in the Turkish Cypriot higher education sector.

education reform

A New Chapter for Education: Michaelidou’s Vision for the Next School Year

Athena Michaelidou is leading a comprehensive educational reform for the next school year, focusing on creating a modern, inclusive system that develops diverse citizens with democratic values. Key strategies include overhauling secondary education assessment, implementing allday schools, enhancing vocational training, investing in technology, internationalizing higher education, and strengthening early childhood education and international collaboration.

education scandal

Eyes on ‘MP’ in North’s Fake Diploma Scandal

A scandal involving Northern MP Emrah Yesilirmak and a fake diploma from Cyprus Health and Social Sciences University (KSTU) has raised concerns about legislative immunity and education accreditation. Amidst the fallout, questions loom over the integrity of the northern education system and the implications for transparency and accountability in the higher education sector.

education higher education

The Expansion of Higher Education in Northern Cyprus

The expansion of higher education in Northern Cyprus has been unprecedented, with a surge in university openings, raising concerns about quality, regulatory standards, and the region’s longterm educational sustainability. The landscape, once dominated by a few universities, now boasts 36 institutions, with 28 established post2011, prompting discussions on legality, oversight, and future planning for the region’s educational sector.

education fraud

North begins investigation into fraudulent college

Yodak and Turkish Cypriot police are investigating the Cyprus Massachusetts Centre of Innovation for issuing fake student visas, aiming to protect the integrity of education and locate missing students. This inquiry seeks to ensure educational institutions are not involved in illegal activities, maintaining the quality of higher education in the region.

education student housing

‘Absurd costs’ for UCy student dorms

The University of Cyprus is facing criticism over the exorbitant costs of its new student dormitories, priced at €110,000 per room, more than double the cost of similar projects. Concerns arise from the project’s lengthy eightyear timeline and the influence of donors on budgeting, sparking debates on fiscal responsibility and the implications for student welfare and education.

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