
Charting a Sustainable Future for Cyprus Tourism

sustainable tourism seasonality

Deputy Minister of Tourism Kostas Koumis stresses the importance of sustainable tourism in Cyprus, focusing on respecting natural and cultural resources. In efforts to combat seasonality and climate change impacts, key strategies include enhancing air connectivity, vocational training, digital transformation, private sector collaboration, and regional balance in the tourism sector.

What are the key strategies for sustainable tourism in Cyprus?

Embracing Sustainable Tourism

In recent remarks, Deputy Minister of Tourism Kostas Koumis emphasized the importance of sustainable tourism in Cyprus. He articulated a vision where tourism respects both the visitors and the rich natural and cultural resources of the island. During the annual conference held by the Association of Cyprus Tourist Enterprises, Koumis sparked a discussion on how tourism should adapt to new realities and strive for a more competitive model.

The theme of sustainability was central to this year’s event in Nicosia, where industry leaders gathered to discuss the future of the sector. Koumis expressed his belief that tourism, which notably contributed 12.8 percent to Cyprus’s GDP this year, is becoming increasingly recognized at the European level for its economic significance.

Addressing Seasonality and Climate Change

Koumis highlighted the challenges of seasonality, a common feature in Southern European tourism that affects Cyprus significantly. In response, he has brought the issue to the attention of the European Union, seeking initiatives to encourage travel during less busy months with the help of EU funds.

Another significant concern addressed was climate change. Its impact on tourism is profound, as shifting weather patterns could redirect tourist flows to regions with milder climates. Koumis underlined the need for planning and prevention, ensuring that the tourism industry is resilient and can adapt to these environmental changes.

Enhancing Connectivity and Training

The Deputy Minister also spoke on the need to improve air connectivity, especially during the off-peak winter season. Such improvements could help diversify the tourism offerings, including sports tourism and capitalizing on the geographical closeness to the Middle Eastern markets. To support the employment sector, Koumis highlighted collaborative efforts with the Ministry of Labour to enhance vocational training schemes available to businesses.

Moreover, the Deputy Ministry of Tourism is incentivizing the digital transformation within the industry. This push for modernization comes in response to feedback from the Tourism Observatory, which identified technological advancements in tourist accommodations as a key area needing improvement.

Private Sector Collaboration and Regional Imbalances

The role of the private sector was also acknowledged as crucial in the evolution of tourism. Alexandros Thanos, an advisor for the Greek Tourism Confederation, pointed out that the private sector is positioned to provide valuable data-driven recommendations and help shape the future of tourism.

At the conference, the uneven distribution of tourism revenue across regions was also discussed. In Greece, for example, 5 out of 13 regions account for 90 percent of the annual revenues, primarily concentrated in a 5-month period. This imbalance underscores the need for new economic incentives to develop other sectors, such as film production and conference tourism, to promote a more even distribution of tourism benefits throughout the year.


As Cyprus and its regional partners continue to grapple with the evolving landscape of tourism, it’s clear that sustainability, resilience, and innovation are the pillars upon which the future of the industry must be built. The concerted effort of the government, private sector, and European entities will be essential in steering Cyprus towards a sustainable and prosperous tourism sector that benefits all.

What are the key strategies for sustainable tourism in Cyprus?

  • Emphasizing tourism that respects natural and cultural resources.
  • Addressing seasonality and climate change impacts.
  • Enhancing air connectivity and vocational training.
  • Incentivizing digital transformation in the tourism sector.
  • Encouraging private sector collaboration and regional balance.

How is Cyprus addressing seasonality and climate change in the tourism sector?

Cyprus is seeking initiatives to encourage travel during less busy months and combat climate change impacts by improving air connectivity, diversifying tourism offerings, and ensuring the industry is resilient and adaptable to environmental changes.

How is the private sector collaborating in shaping the future of tourism in Cyprus?

The private sector in Cyprus is providing valuable data-driven recommendations and working alongside the government to promote sustainable tourism practices, technology advancements, and a more even distribution of tourism benefits across regions throughout the year.

What role does digital transformation play in the future of Cyprus tourism?

Digital transformation is a key focus for the tourism sector in Cyprus, with efforts to modernize tourist accommodations and enhance the overall visitor experience. This initiative is aimed at keeping Cyprus competitive in the global tourism market and meeting the evolving needs of travelers.

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