
Cyprus’s Shifting Electoral Landscape: The Rise of Elam

politics elections

Cyprus’s political landscape is seeing a shift with Elam gaining traction alongside traditional parties Akel and Disy as the country heads towards MEP and local authority elections on June 9th. Disy faces internal rifts, Akel grapples with past missteps, while Elam’s rise reflects broader far-right trends in the EU, with new parties like Volt adding to the political fragmentation.

What are the key factors influencing Cyprus’s electoral landscape in the upcoming elections?

Cyprus’s electoral landscape is influenced by several factors:
– Traditional parties Akel and Disy are competing closely, while smaller party Elam is gaining popularity.
– Disy faces internal rifts and Akel struggles with past missteps’ legacy.
Elam is capitalizing on addressing working-class needs and the migration crisis proactively.
– The rise of far-right politics mirrors broader EU trends, affecting voter decisions.
New parties like Volt and internal shifts within the Greens add to the political fragmentation.

Political Dynamics and the Upcoming Elections

As Cyprus approaches its MEP and local authority elections on June 9, the political environment is marked by significant fragmentation. In a landscape where traditional powerhouses like Akel and Disy are grappling for support, the smaller party Elam is capitalizing on the division, seeing a rise in popularity, and could play a decisive role in the upcoming elections. The latest polls indicate an intense competition between Akel and Disy, with both parties neck-and-neck, while Elam has managed to edge past Diko marginally.

The political scene is further complicated by the presence of the Greens and the introduction of the newly established party Volt, raising questions about Cyprus’s alignment with broader EU trends. Political analyst Christophoros Christophorou suggests that while the situation is fluid and predictions are precarious, certain patterns are emerging that merit attention.

The Major Parties at a Crossroads

Disy is currently facing unprecedented internal divisions, especially after the presidential election fiasco. The election of President Nikos Christodoulides, despite being a former high-ranking Disy official, marked a departure from the party line and illustrated the deep rifts within the party. This division was further underscored by Marios Pelakanos’s defection from Disy to Elam, signaling potential shifts in voter allegiance.

Akel, meanwhile, struggles with the legacy of past missteps that continue to haunt the party. From the Mari explosion to the economic impact of decisions made by Akel-backed entities during the financial crisis, the party faces an uphill battle in regaining the trust of its traditional base. As a result, despite the corruption scandals plaguing Disy, Akel has been unable to gain electoral momentum.

Elam’s Strategic Ascendancy

Elam, with its consistent and strategic approach, has been quietly but steadily building its support base, especially during the financial crisis by providing assistance to those in impoverished neighborhoods, traditionally an Akel stronghold. By addressing the needs of the working class during difficult times, Elam is now reaping the loyalty of those it helped.

Furthermore, Elam has been proactive with regards to the migration crisis, an issue that has only recently been acknowledged by other parties. By positioning itself as a party that forewarned about such challenges, Elam is able to claim a sense of vindication as the migration issue becomes more pressing in the public discourse. The party’s increasing popularity is reflected in the polls, where it commands an 11 percent vote share, surpassing Diko.

The Broader Context of Far-Right Trends in the EU

Cyprus is not isolated in witnessing the ascent of far-right politics; it is part of a growing trend across the EU. This shift often targets vulnerable societal groups, which historically included Jews and now increasingly focuses on Middle Eastern populations. This has manifested in Cyprus with protests in towns such as Chlorakas and Limassol, where Syrian nationals and businesses owned by Middle Eastern individuals have faced outright hostility.

Political observers are closely watching the impact of Elam’s growth on other parties, particularly those like Diko and Edek, who have adopted ambiguous positions. With a significant portion of the electorate undecided, the potential for these votes to sway the election’s outcome is substantial.

The Greens in Cyprus, while sharing a name with their EU counterparts, diverge on several key issues, including the Cyprus problem, and have seen their own internal shifts with members like Alexandra Attalidou transitioning to Volt. As for Volt, the challenge of breaking into a fragmented political scene is daunting but not without prospects for a surprising outcome. The political turbulence in Cyprus indicates a period of uncertainty and reinvention, as new parties emerge and established ones adapt to changing realities.

What are the key factors influencing Cyprus’s electoral landscape in the upcoming elections?

Cyprus’s electoral landscape is influenced by several factors:
– Traditional parties Akel and Disy are competing closely, while smaller party Elam is gaining popularity.
– Disy faces internal rifts and Akel struggles with past missteps’ legacy.
– Elam is capitalizing on addressing working-class needs and the migration crisis proactively.
– The rise of far-right politics mirrors broader EU trends, affecting voter decisions.
– New parties like Volt and internal shifts within the Greens add to the political fragmentation.

How are the major parties in Cyprus navigating the current political landscape?

Disy is facing internal divisions following the presidential election, while Akel is grappling with past missteps. Elam, on the other hand, is strategically addressing working-class needs and the migration crisis, gaining popularity in the process. The political scene is further complicated by the presence of other parties like Diko, the Greens, and the newly established party Volt.

What role is Elam playing in Cyprus’s upcoming elections?

Elam has been steadily building its support base by addressing the needs of the working class and taking a proactive stance on the migration crisis. With its strategic approach, Elam has managed to edge past traditional parties like Diko in terms of popularity, commanding an 11 percent vote share in the polls.

How does the rise of far-right politics in Cyprus align with broader EU trends?

Cyprus is part of a growing trend across the EU, witnessing the rise of far-right politics that often target vulnerable societal groups. Elam’s growth has sparked protests against Middle Eastern populations in Cyprus, and its impact on other parties like Diko and Edek, who have taken ambiguous positions, remains a point of interest. The potential for undecided voters to sway the election outcome is also significant in the current political landscape.

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