
7,500 New Voters Added to the Electoral Roll for June’s Elections

elections voter registration

In preparation for the upcoming June elections, 7,500 new voters have been added to the electoral roll, bringing the total number of registered voters in Cyprus to 569,086. This significant increase highlights citizens’ dedication to participating in the democratic process and shaping the future of their country.

How many new voters were added to the electoral roll for the upcoming elections in June?

The electoral roll for the June elections has been expanded by 7,500 new voters. This increase brings the total number of registered voters in Cyprus to 569,086, enhancing the democratic process and reflecting citizens’ commitment to their civic duties.

Expanding the Democratic Process

In anticipation of the significant elections scheduled for June, it has come to light that the voter registration has seen an increase by 7,500 individuals. The head of the Electoral Service, Menelaos Vasiliou, shared these details earlier this week, noting the active participation of citizens in the democratic process. The increase brings the total number of registered voters in Cyprus to an impressive 569,086.

Diversity in the Electorate

Among the total electorate, a special list exists for European Union citizens who have chosen to make Cyprus their home. These individuals are entitled to cast their ballots in both European and local elections. This year, the number stands at 11,559 for local elections and 9,190 for European Parliament elections. Furthermore, the government has created a unique electoral list for Turkish Cypriots residing in the northern part of the island, which currently includes 82,925 names.

Registration Process and Deadlines

The registration process for new voters is open until April 2, ensuring that all citizens of the Republic of Cyprus, as well as EU citizens residing in Cyprus who are aged 18 by election day, are eligible to participate. These include individuals born on or before June 9, 2006. Those who are 25 years of age or older have the convenience of registering online, whereas others can obtain paper applications from various local administrative offices or download them from the official electoral service website.

Encouraging timely registration, the authorities have emphasized the importance of submitting applications as soon as possible. This proactive approach is expected to streamline the process and prevent any last-minute rushes that could potentially complicate the electoral proceedings.

An Unprecedented Election Day

The upcoming June 9th will be an eventful day, with eight elections set to occur simultaneously. This includes the European Parliament elections, which coincide with a range of local elections following recent governmental reforms. The electoral service is prepared for this busy day, and Vasiliou has assured that votes will be meticulously counted at the polling stations. The first results are expected to be publicized approximately an hour and a half after the voting concludes at 6 pm.

This comprehensive preparation and the increase in voter registration reflect the commitment of the citizens of Cyprus to their civic duties and the fortification of the democratic process on the island.

How many new voters were added to the electoral roll for the upcoming elections in June?

The electoral roll for the June elections has been expanded by 7,500 new voters. This increase brings the total number of registered voters in Cyprus to 569,086, enhancing the democratic process and reflecting citizens’ commitment to their civic duties.

Can European Union citizens living in Cyprus participate in the elections?

Yes, European Union citizens living in Cyprus are eligible to participate in both European and local elections. There are specific lists for EU citizens residing in Cyprus, with 11,559 eligible for local elections and 9,190 for European Parliament elections.

What is the registration process for new voters and what are the deadlines?

The registration process for new voters is open until April 2. Citizens of the Republic of Cyprus and EU citizens residing in Cyprus who are aged 18 by election day, including those born on or before June 9, 2006, are eligible to register. Those 25 years of age or older can register online, while others can obtain paper applications from local administrative offices or the official electoral service website.

When will the results of the elections be announced and what elections are taking place on June 9th?

The upcoming June 9th will see eight elections taking place simultaneously, including the European Parliament elections and a range of local elections. The first results are expected to be publicized approximately an hour and a half after the voting concludes at 6 pm. The electoral service is prepared for this busy day, ensuring meticulous vote counting at polling stations.

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