
Strengthening Migration Management: Cyprus Calls for More Migrant Repatriations at EU Assembly

migration management migrant repatriations

Cyprus is calling for increased repatriation of rejected asylum seekers at the EU Assembly, with Interior Minister Constantinos Ioannou emphasizing the importance of enhancing return rates and promoting legal migration channels. Recent efforts by Cyprus have already led to a 60% surge in departures compared to the previous year, solidifying its position as a leader in return numbers among EU countries.

What is Cyprus’ stance on migration management?

Cyprus advocates for increased repatriation of rejected asylum seekers, emphasizing stronger European cooperation in return policies. Interior Minister Ioannou stresses the importance of enhancing return rates and promoting legal migration channels as essential elements of effective migration management.

Cyprus’ Interior Minister Advocates for Enhanced Return Measures

In a critical move to address the challenges of migration, Interior Minister Constantinos Ioannou is set to attend a pivotal meeting in Brussels. Scheduled for Monday, his mission is to advocate for a more substantial return of rejected asylum seekers back to their homelands.

The Council of the European Union’s Internal Affairs will convene on Tuesday, with 27 EU ministers responsible for migration gathering to scrutinize the effectiveness of national and European strategies devised to manage the return of rejected asylum seekers.

Ioannou’s Emphasized Goals

Ioannou is poised to underscore the imperative of boosting the rate of returns, which he asserts as a fundamental component of the migration management blueprint, especially for frontline states such as Cyprus. His stance is clear: the island nation demands a more robust, united European initiative to fortify the domain of returns. This includes fostering partnerships with non-EU countries, guided by the framework of the Action Plan for the Eastern Mediterranean.

Cyprus Leads in Return Numbers

Recent months have seen Cyprus implementing a slew of focused measures on a national scale. The results have been significant—a 60% surge in departures compared to the previous year—catapulting Cyprus to the forefront among EU countries in the volume of returns.

Legal Migration as a Balancing Act

Discussions at the council will not solely focus on repatriation. Equally on the agenda is the establishment of mechanisms and procedures for promoting legal migration. The intent is to cultivate a talent pool to balance the scales, offering legal alternatives to counter illegal immigration channels.

Ioannou’s trip to Brussels is concise, with his return to Cyprus slated for Wednesday. His participation underscores Cyprus’ commitment to influencing EU migration policies and highlights the need for collective action in this complex issue.

Quick Recap

  • Cyprus is calling for increased repatriation of rejected asylum seekers at the EU Assembly.
  • Interior Minister Constantinos Ioannou emphasizes the importance of enhancing return rates and promoting legal migration channels.
  • Recent efforts by Cyprus have led to a 60% surge in departures compared to the previous year.
  • Cyprus is a leader in return numbers among EU countries.
  • Discussions at the council will focus on repatriation and establishing mechanisms for promoting legal migration.

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