
asylum seekers

asylum seekers human rights

Stranded Migrants Grapple with Despair in No Man’s Land

Asylum seekers in the UN buffer zone near the University of Cyprus endure stifling humidity, makeshift facilities, and emotional turmoil, their plea for dignity and access to asylum procedures contrasting with their current state of despair and unfulfilled dreams. Living in a harsh limbo, these individuals face daily challenges and an uncertain future, trapped between impossibility and rejection while holding onto fading hopes of a life lived with dignity.

international law asylum seekers

International Custody Dispute: A Child’s Uncertain Fate

Martina Malikzada, an Afghan asylum seeker, faces heartbreak as her son is abducted by his Turkish Kurdish father, sparking a complex international custody battle. With legal and diplomatic challenges ahead, the case sheds light on the struggles of asylum seekers caught in the crossfire of personal, legal, and political complexities.

humanitarian asylum seekers

Humanitarian Tensions Rise in Cyprus Buffer Zone

In the Cyprus buffer zone, humanitarian tensions surge as over 30 asylum seekers in makeshift camps seek food, water, and medical aid under the watchful eye of the United Nations peacekeeping force. While the UN and EU advocate for adherence to international law, Cyprus authorities navigate their humanitarian duties against the backdrop of potential migration surges.

migrants asylum seekers

UNHCR’s Concern Over Migrants in Cyprus Buffer Zone

UNHCR is deeply concerned about the migrants in Cyprus’ buffer zone, emphasizing the urgent need for access to asylum procedures and adequate living conditions for 31 individuals, including seven children. The agency highlights the necessity for Cyprus to fulfill its international and EU obligations to uphold the fundamental human rights of asylum seekers, while expressing readiness to support in finding sustainable solutions for the displaced individuals.

asylum seekers processing times

The Plight of Syrian Asylum Seekers in Cyprus

Syrian asylum seekers in Cyprus endure long waits of up to five years for their applications to be processed, leading to uncertainty and challenges in their wellbeing. Human rights reports call for improved communication and adherence to laws by the asylum service, while media coverage highlights the broader impact on these vulnerable individuals, urging for reforms to ensure their rights are protected.

humanitarian concerns asylum seekers

Escalating Humanitarian Concerns in Cyprus Buffer Zone

As the number of asylum seekers in the Cyprus buffer zone rises to 27, including unaccompanied minors, the migrants face harsh living conditions and a legal impasse in accessing proper asylum procedures, putting the principle of nonrefoulement at risk. Government ministries are seeking cooperative solutions to address this escalating humanitarian issue and uphold international and EU laws.

migration eu

Christodoulides and Sunak Address Migration Challenges

President Nikos Christodoulides of Cyprus and British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak met to discuss migration issues, including Cyprus’s asylum seekers from Lebanon and Ireland’s flows from the UK. Legal hurdles and identifying “safe countries” for returns were key topics of conversation.

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