
The Growing Concern of Child Poverty in Cyprus

child poverty advocacy groups

Child poverty in Cyprus affects 18.1% of children, around 31,000 young lives grappling with economic hardship. Advocacy groups are rallying for action in 2024 to combat this pressing issue through education, awareness, and policy involvement.

What is the rate of child poverty in Cyprus?

In Cyprus, 18.1% of children are living at or below the poverty line, which equates to approximately 31,000 children facing economic hardship. Advocacy groups have declared 2024 as a pivotal year for action to combat child poverty, emphasizing education, awareness, and policy involvement.

In the small Mediterranean island nation of Cyprus, the shadows of poverty cast a long and troubling silhouette over its youngest inhabitants. Recent Eurostat statistics paint a somber picture: 18.1% of Cypriot children languish at or below the poverty line. This distressing figure represents around 31,000 young lives grappling with economic hardship.

A Call to Action from Advocacy Groups

A consortium of advocacy groups, including the commissioner for the protection of children’s rights, the National Network Against Poverty in Cyprus (Edef), and the Pancyprian Coordinating Committee for the Protection and Welfare of Children (Psepep), has brought this issue into the limelight. These organizations, joined by the Cyprus Children’s Parliament and SISTEMA Cyprus, have issued a joint statement declaring 2024 as a year of concerted efforts to combat child poverty.

The coalition has slated a series of joint actions for 2024 that aim to educate the public, disseminate information, and raise awareness about the plight of economically disadvantaged children. They emphasize the importance of involving children in these initiatives, giving them a platform to voice their experiences and participate in shaping the policies that affect their lives.

Tackling the Roots of Poverty

Child poverty is an issue of profound concern, not only in Cyprus but across the globe. It is a multi-faceted problem exacerbated by economic downturns, the reverberations of the Covid-19 pandemic, and ongoing conflicts. Factors such as high costs of living, housing struggles, rampant inflation, and the diminishing real wages of the working class have a disproportionate impact on children. The stark reality is underscored by a wealth imbalance where merely one percent of the global population controls over half of the world’s wealth.

The advocacy groups point to disturbing statistics from Unicef and the World Bank: 330 million children around the world endure the harsh conditions of extreme poverty and material deprivation. In the European Union, one in four children is at risk of poverty and social exclusion, a statistic that underscores the urgency of this global crisis.

Mobilizing a Nation for Change

To address these challenges, the organizations involved are planning to host a series of roundtable discussions to formulate and promote strategies to influential decision-makers and state services. The goal is to eradicate child poverty and social exclusion comprehensively. All sectors of society, including the state, stakeholders, municipalities, communities, organizations, and citizens, are called upon to unite in the fight against child poverty.

The initiatives are poised to transcend mere dialogue, aiming to trigger tangible actions that can alleviate the hardships faced by children in poverty. By shining a light on the stark realities and mobilizing a collective response, there is hope that the coming years will see significant strides in addressing and reversing the tide of child poverty in Cyprus and beyond.

What is the rate of child poverty in Cyprus?

In Cyprus, 18.1% of children are living at or below the poverty line, which equates to approximately 31,000 children facing economic hardship. Advocacy groups have declared 2024 as a pivotal year for action to combat child poverty, emphasizing education, awareness, and policy involvement.

What actions are advocacy groups in Cyprus taking to combat child poverty in 2024?

Advocacy groups in Cyprus, such as the commissioner for the protection of children’s rights, Edef, Psepep, the Cyprus Children’s Parliament, and SISTEMA Cyprus, have declared 2024 as a year of concerted efforts to combat child poverty. They are planning to educate the public, disseminate information, raise awareness, involve children in shaping policies, and host roundtable discussions to formulate strategies for influential decision-makers and state services.

What are some of the factors contributing to child poverty in Cyprus?

Child poverty in Cyprus, like in many parts of the world, is exacerbated by economic downturns, the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic, ongoing conflicts, high costs of living, housing struggles, inflation, and diminishing real wages. The advocacy groups emphasize the need to address these root causes to effectively combat child poverty.

How can individuals and organizations in Cyprus contribute to the fight against child poverty?

All sectors of Cypriot society, including the state, stakeholders, municipalities, communities, organizations, and citizens, are called upon to unite in the fight against child poverty. By supporting advocacy efforts, participating in awareness campaigns, and advocating for policy changes, individuals and organizations can contribute to alleviating the hardships faced by children living in poverty.

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